Enjoy Your Journey - Forget About The Outcome
I don't want to be so emotionally invested
In a person, place or thing
That I can't divest it and move on if need be
When called upon I have to let what is for the best
Supersede me
Scenarios have varied and I may pout some
But I can't be married to an outcome
I can't afford to be so emotionally invested
In a summer, fall or spring
That I pass the expected expiration date by winter
Letting go is perhaps the ultimate test
And tormentor
I used to have luggage I carried too long now I shout "dumb"
Back then I was married to an outcome
Once I learned to detach, divorce myself
And let the Universe dispatch
What happens to happen naturally and not let me be
Wedded & embedded with a beyond-a-doubt sum
I could live life happily
Regardless of the outcome
Copyright © 2011 Tony Haynes
Tony Haynes is a Lyricist, Songwriter, Poet, Author, Performer & Television Show Host. As the world's Foremost practitioner of Acrostic Poetry, in less than a minute, Tony Haynes can literally pull apoem out of thin air. Give him the title of what you'd like to call your poem, and he will create it for you on the spot. Be sure to visit his website: http://tonyhaynes.webs.com