We Are The Miracle
By Miles Patrick Yohnke
Copyright © 2010 - All Rights Reserved.
January 14, 2011
Recently I was corresponding with someone from Papua New Guinea (PNG). The person spoke of the roads there. Their government is always saying they have no funds to fix the roads. We have the same problemswith our government here in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada where I live. And we also have too much waste. It should be better here.
We like to pray: "Oh God, please let me win the lottery. Then my life will be okay."
With their issues of government and ours, we can pray that God will come and save us and fix the problems within government and such. But God isn't the one that can do that.
You see, people are always looking for miracles. But we are the miracle. We create the changes. We create the differences. We are the miracles. We are the children of God. We have to do God's work. This iswhat he asks. It is time we get off our knees and do. Words without action is death. Use the tools given us.
It is Tuesday, June 29th, 2010 and going on to midnight as I write this. It's storming here. Hailing in fact. Terrible. It will bring sadness. It will bring insurance claims. Damaged cars. Damaged houses and other properties.
Maybe there is a lesson in here? Nature being at work. God at work. Why is he doing this? Damaging all this? Perhaps he is just getting us to think? Do we need these things? Are those pot holes so bad? How did we ever manage before paved roads? Are clearcoat high-shine paint jobs on our automobiles important?
This is the end. It must be the end, right?
Copyright © 2010 Miles Patrick Yohnke - All Rights Reserved.

Globally recognized and award-nominated engineer, producer, writer, poet and founder and C.E.O. of 5 Star Productions, Miles Patrick Yohnke brings many years of experience to the music industry; including many awards in sales and marketing.
If you are looking at developing your career, Yohnke offers consulting in person, by phone or via email.
For more info, please contact him directly at: 306.227.6379
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