Soul Soaring
By Miles Patrick Yohnke
Copyright © 2018 All Rights reserved
Released January 10, 2018
Just imagine if Wilbur and Orville Wright had listened to everyone at the time telling them that their idea to fly was sheer lunacy? That their souls' ideas would never soar into the air? Heavier-than-air flying machines? You Wright brothers are surely out of your minds!
Each of us is going to be faced with obstacles and challenges throughout our lives. There will always be galvanizing moments, naysayers and people telling you---you can't. There will be people that will try to hold you back from your achievements, from realizing your dreams.
There was a small town girl that felt the same galvanizing moment, like the Wright brothers had; that "I'll show them what I'm made of" moment. She came from a farm in Northeastern Saskatchewan, the province that I'm from and still live in today.
Throughout her high school years she would have healthy competitions in academics with her fellow students. Her dream and passion was to be well educated, to be someone not stuck in your stereotypical town mould.
In her final year of High School, her guidance counselor told her not to bother with getting a higher education. Just be satisfied with a common blue collar job as they felt that this was all she could manage.
She went on to the University of Saskatchewan to complete her Law Degree and B.A. in International Studies, with honours. She helped pay her own way through university with a job at West Jet.
Today, she is a lawyer for the Canadian Government, The Department of Justice, in Foreign Affairs and International Trade. She is highly respected by her peers and co-workers.
There is a wonderful quote by Mary Kay Ash, "Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway." Mary, a little girl from Texas did just this.
Some events in your life are just thrown at you. Too many are of ill minds trying to blow you off course. When someone that had your respect as a teacher, parent, or friend turns out to be false, your success must come from believing in yourself.
If someone is pushing you down with this ill advice, take it as a galvanizing moment to prove yourself and show that you are worthy of your dreams. You are worthy to do whatever it takes. You are worthy of your accomplishments. You are worthy of success and the rewards that you seek.
Take a negative and turn it into a positive.
When hurt stings, you do not blame someone else. You need to take the challenge and make their negative comments your challenge. Successful people do this. Not easily at that moment, but when the challenge becomes your foundation, then the direction will only be up from there.
I have had this happen many times throughout my life. I've learned from my mistakes and taken those challenges.
When a teacher, mentor or friend encourages you, this can be a foundation that is much more positive to start with. Think of that. Be a builder, and remember that with encouragement we can all go further with a positive foundation to build upon.
Like the Wright brothers, never let the flame of your dreams be extinguished. Let your own spirit and determination soar!
Miles Patrick Yohnke photograph by Jenn Diehl for Ensoul Imagery.To learn more about Jenn Diehl, and to contact her, please visit her website:
Copyright © 2018 Miles Patrick Yohnke - All Rights Reserved.
Miles Patrick Yohnke is a globally recognized motivational author, poet, and mentor with a wealth of life experience. His philosophies and materials are used in schools in Africa, India, and the United States. They are used by preachers in their pulpits. They have been read on National radio and featured in countless publications.
If you are looking at developing your career, Yohnke offers consulting in person, by phone or via email. For more info, please contact Miles directly at: 306.227.6379
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