

Be A Healing Agent - A Beacon Of Light

a lighthouse

If you're in a good mood, you shine like the sun. But, if you find yourself in the presence of a person or group who are in a grumpy mood, you'll feel like a dark cloud has descended upon your disposition.

Your radiance loses its glow. Your positive demeanor fades. You need to remind yourself, that the sun is still shining behind that cloudy sky. All is well in God's universe. That will make it easier for you to remember that grumpy people will influence your attitude and space, only if you allow them to affect your attitude. With that power of change firmly in your hands, you can choose how to respond to grumpy individuals or groups, with great confidence and understanding.

You can be a lighthouse, shining through the darkness, offering your light to help others find their way. You can send them a silent prayer, a hope of peace, or just a sympathetic smile. Your simple comforting touch or hug can ease frustrations and cause clouds to dissipate.

If you find others need your attention, aiding them in a positive fashion enables them to forge ahead, without the negativity they have been experiencing.

By helping others find the humor in their situation, you can lift their spirits and help them see the good in a bad situation, the blessings of their living, and their worthiness in this world.

You might find that some you encounter seem to be in a perpetual state of gloom. Your tendency in such cases might be to try to avoid them, but instead, you can make the good choice in offering support that comes from the heart.

I hope that you are inspired to offer any help you might give. Be quick with a listening ear; be a shoulder to cry on; offer help or suggestions that have helped you in the past.

When you lend of yourself to uplift others, you improve your own life, while making the world a better place for all of us. By reaching out to God's children, you enrich their lives and your own.

So, be a healing agent to all the "grumpys" you encounter this week. That's one of the purposes God put you here to fulfill.

Copyright © 2018 Bob Stoess
Bob Stoess is a Retired CEO, prolific writer and wonderful mentor.

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