What Is No Longer Taken For Granted
Thoughts While Alone
I met an old friend today that I've known since my earliest remembrances, and we took a drive. I could immediately discern that he was very wealthy. I don't mean wealth by economic standards, but Icould see an aura about him that reflected the joy, the happiness, the comfort, and peace that filled his very being. He didn't have much to say, but I could tell he was in deep thought and thissilence told me volumes. He told me about the many things that he no longer took for granted. He shared with me how fortunate he was to recognize what he had that he never questioned before.
I wasn't surprised, as I continued to listen to him. After all, he had so much and he had taken his station in life simply as his reward for being good. He told me how thankful he was to have hadChristian parents, who nurtured him, fed him, clothed him, and unconditionally loved him through his formative years. He told me about his Father who had died shortly after retirement and of hisMother and how she had lived a long and fruitful life.
He spoke of his family and how proud he was of his wife, his children, and his grandchildren. He spoke of the greater love of the entire family and how they all enjoyed gatherings for birthdays andholidays. He had great appreciation for the accomplishments of his family.
His wife had designed and built their home. His children had families and jobs they enjoyed going to each day. There was love and harmony in each family. He advised of his need to minister to othersin this difficult world. He explained how his service was rewarded by God and His people. He reminisced about his church and his retirement. He became overwhelmed with emotion as he discussed the cancer,which had followed him since 1982, and how God told him all would be well. He told me of the joy he found in music and in writing. He had taken so much for granted, but today, he recognized and shared of his riches.
I listened to him all the way home and was so happy that he'd recognized his blessings and wanted to express thanks for his wealth. As I got out of the driver's seat, I thanked God for this time to be myselfand, as importantly, that this lifelong friend was and will always be me.
Copyright © 2013 Bob Stoess
Bob Stoess is a Retired CEO, prolific writer and wonderful mentor.

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