How Others See Us
How Long Is Your Shadow?
- How long is your shadow?
- Does it cast the long shadow of honesty, integrity, morality, and fellowship in your own living?
- Does it stretch your image or contract it?
- Do you feel good about yourself and your reflection on others?
- Does it have a positive influence or negative effect on those about you?
- Does it engender love and concern or does it bolster indifference and apathy?
- Does it show that you have confidence in your living and that your life has true meaning and purpose?
Our shadow is an extension of our personality. It follows us everywhere we go. It is an influence of good or bad on those around us, at every stage in life.It's our conscience. It's our ego. It's our love for God, family, country, and our fellow man.It's a mirror of our lives. It is we, as others see us.
I had often heard the quotation, "How long is your shadow," but I'd never stopped to consider the depth of its meaning. As I grow older and see how others have molded and shaped my life,I better understand and appreciate how we follow in the shadows of those we admire, those we cherish, those we love, and those we emulate.
So, cast your long shadow of service, goodness, and love. God and your fellow man are depending on you.
Copyright © 2012 Bob Stoess
Bob Stoess is a Retired CEO, prolific writer and wonderful mentor.

Read some of Bob's other articles too:
This I Believe
Follow Instructions
I Am Blessed
Help Someone Today
Show Up For Life
God Is There
My Best Day Ever
Baby Steps
Know Yourself
Expect Success
5 Tips To Stay Positive