We Always Have a Choice


"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it!"

So, tell me, did this statement just cause a slight twitch in your mind?

Perhaps it inspired you, leaving you feeling empowered or maybe caused a bit of frustration within as you whispered, "...this is crap."

Could you do me a favor? Take a moment, find the warrior within and ask yourself what these words mean to you.

How might they apply to your life at this moment?

Are there any aspects of yourself that you wish to explore?

Who are you to you?

Friend or Foe?

No, this is not a trick question.

Open yourself up to an expanded perspective by showing yourself the same love and kindness you would a dear friend. You are in charge of how all situations in your space will affect you.

It's up to us.

Do we change the things we don't like, or just change how we view them?

It is always a choice.

Today what do you choose?

I choose ease and gratitude with sprinkles of growth and abundance!

How about you?

Until next time,
Peace and Blue Jeans...

I am, because we are...

We always have a choice.

Copyright © 2012 Cynthia Farina

Cynthia Farina is a life coach, energy healer and intuitive teacher. She uses her innate talents, as well as a variety of divination tools in order to coach her clients to stand in a place of strength and truth on their own journey of self-realization.

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Be sure to read Cynthia's other Inspirational Articles:

Where Is Your Energy Focused?

Intuition and How It Helps You

Growth In Change

An Angelic Blueprint

Focused Thoughts

Work On Yourself

Have You Found Your Courage?

What Are You Avoiding?

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Remembering My Mom

Do You Leap Into Life?

Living Your Big Life Now

Taming The Cranky Inner You

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