Have You Found Your Courage?

You Have All You Need, Right Within

Words to give you courage

Do you ever take a moment and really look at how you are responding to the world around you? Do you believe we really hear the things we say, or the agreements we make to ourselves and to others?

Is there ever a time when you wonder how friends and strangers experience us; if we are being the person we think we are?

Within us is a ferocious ball of power just waiting to be tapped into.

This power is our TRUTH! It's us being true, by honoring our word - not only to others but to ourselves.

After a conversation with a friend, family member or business associate do you find that your actions align with your words?

If in that moment you find that you said one thing yet are doing another, here lies the opportunity to tap into your POWER!

Courage is in knowing that we are being true to ourselves and aligning our actions with our words; admitting when we are wrong and taking steps toward being the person we say we want to be.

We are human and mistakes will be made.

We get to be gentle with ourselves.

Courage is meeting each other where we are at and honoring ourselves as well as one another. My personal experience as I continue to find peace within is that my compassion and awareness on this journey is a more joyous road to travel.

Here's to discovering YOU --- loving all aspects of who you are and where you are heading.

Until next time,
Wide-eyed and listening within,


Copyright © 2013 Cynthia Farina
Cynthia Farina is a life coach, energy healer and intuitive teacher. She uses her innate talents, as well as a variety of divination tools in order to coach her clients to stand in a place of strength and truth on their own journey of self-realization.

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Be sure to read Cynthia's other Inspirational Articles:

Where Is Your Energy Focused?

Intuition and How It Helps You

Growth In Change

An Angelic Blueprint

Focused Thoughts

What Do You Choose?

Work On Yourself

Have You Found Your Courage?

What Are You Avoiding?

Angel Card

We Are Beings Of Love

Remembering My Mom

Do You Leap Into Life?

Living Your Big Life Now

Taming The Cranky Inner You

Stories / Articles 2013

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