New Year Resolutions
Will You Be Able To Keep Yours?
At the beginning of every year, all around the world, it has become a culture or tradition for people to think and decide on what to do and what not to do in the new year. Often they compare and learn fromthe past year planning in anticipation for a greater year they've just entered.
Resolutions are powerful tools in personal control and planning methods because we make them for ourselves, thus providing our self-motivation and self-determination.
Resolutions show what you've decided to involve yourself in for the new year, and things you've also decided to abstain from. Meanwhile, surveys show that almost half of the people who make new year resolutions neveractually fulfill them throughout the whole year.
They might be faithful to those plans and rules up to 5 or 6 month, then suddenly lose interest and focus. Some even forget that they made resolutions for the year while others fall for the new year trendsthey might have even written to abstain from.
New year resolutions aren't bad, but it takes a person of self-control and determination to be faithful to the lists on the resolution. Writing and planning the do's and don't for a year is even advantageousand people are advised to do so.
Finally, whatever your resolutions are make all efforts to achieve them, as great goals and ambitions are embedded in the resolution list. Place those resolution papers and boards on places you'll see everyday tobe reminded of your plans for the new year and your new year will be a lot better than the previous year.
Copyright © 2013 Oluwaseun Zubair