The Love Of A Son For His Mother
My mother and father have both been severely affected by anxiety, depression, and other stress-related disorders now for many years. It is my mission to educate as many people as possible on the powersof positive thinking. This pain and suffering can all be avoided. I wrote this poem to her after she was recently released from the psychiatric ward after attempting to commit suicide.
To My Mom
As I began this world, I always had a smile
As I began this world, I barely had a cry
From Filetown Road to Blue Ridge Drive,
I always had a hand, I always had a hug,
I always had a shoulder, I always had Tecmo Bowl,
Baseball mitts, and front row seats to Padres games.
But, the rock behind all of this
Was not, the goodies, or the games
It was not the love quarrels with the bro or the sis,
It was the lady named, Mrs. Dent (like a Dent in the car)
As time moved on, sadly we grew apart in physical, and in spirit
But, I always knew that would change
That would twist, and that would turn
Not until the baby Rock learned to speak like a man,
Did we unite again fully in spirit.
The Baby Josh learned that the past is the past
And no need to look behind
Nor ahead
We only have right now
My origins come from a tiny corn field
And one acre lot in Bushkill, PA
I have trotted the globe, and back,
And now, I trot again
As "I'm sitting here In Taiwan"
As my not so - famous song goes
If I could have one wish granted for the rest of my life
What would it be?
It is something I want EVEN more than the Redskins
To win a Super Bowl
Are you ready for this??
Mine would be for you to firmly know, accept, believe and see -
It goes no further than that
Nothing else matters
Copyright© 2013 Joshua Dent
I consider myself a 35 year old globetrotter at this point in the game. I currently live in Taiwan as an English teacher. I really enjoy exploring different cultures. I speak Spanish fluently. I am alsocurrently studying English. Stress management and positive thinking are two aspects of my life that I have tried to revitalize over the last year and a half.
I have seen the damage that stress has caused to so many important people in my life. I strive each today to try and do one thing to manage it better. I also help others with some of the same tactics ofmediation, yoga, and positive affirmations that I have employed.