Legalize Healthy Living
By Miles Patrick Yohnke
Copyright © 2017 All Rights reserved
Released December 11, 2017
Shame on our Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, and his government.
Apparently neither they nor he have been briefed on (or worse yet, accepted)the seriousness of addictions and it's social impact upon our peoples andour tax and justice systems.
My home province of Saskatchewan currently has the worst record for impaired driving, violent crime and gangs in the country.
Our health system is buckling at it's knees. Let's just add more stress anddemand to an already broken system. One where people already wait too longfor needed surgeries and cannot get the service they need in a timelymatter. Please.
Is the Liberal party and our Prime Minister really developing strategies andsolutions to address our problems? The problems that many of our isolatedareas of Canada face daily? The same problems we all face? No matter wherewe live, the core problem is the same. Substance abuse stems in large partfrom one thing: a need to feel loved, wanted and understood. When people arehurting emotionally they turn to alcohol, drugs, or other destructiveaddictions trying to curb their pain.
From a party that now wants to legalize marijuana, I don't believe asolution is currently possible for these and other problems any time soon.
We still glamourize liquor in all media formats. It's everywhere. Gamblingas well. Then we report the trouble it has caused. It's all about ratings.Not solutions. It's about the government always finding a new source forraking in disposable income. To get what's left of your paycheck after youpay your taxes.
Does anyone see a pattern here? Let's keep finding new ways to "legally takein revenue". Who makes your laws? Your government. Isn't it time ourgovernment stops making money off of people's addictions and deal with thereal issues?
It costs a lot less to help people stay away from substance use in the firstplace than to deal with all the nasty repercussions after they are addicted.
If our government is supposed to be run efficiently, then why not run itlike a business? Would you run your business this way? We're talking abouttobacco also.
Why do people lie, steal, cheat, kill, get addicted? They are unhappy. Theyneed to learn how to live life with not just all it's ups but it's downs aswell.
ISIS is in the news all the time as our common enemy. Yet we have a wargoing on in our own backyard in the form of gangs, mafia, the Hells Angels,organized crime, etc. A lot of it connected to substance abuse. We hadprohibition where alcohol was illegal and yet now we buy it at governmentrun outlets?
In my city of Saskatoon they built a liquor store in an area that has one ofthe highest crime rates of our city. How do we help an addict? Build aliquor store for them to conveniently buy their booze? Make it convenient?Then complain about the abuse that goes on and the crime in that area? Thatthese people are uncivilized? Please.
And now our own government is going to put their own red and white patcheson their jackets, legalize marijuana, and call it legal?
The Hells Angels can't go around selling marijuana, have gambling or alcoholas part of their business income. Why? Because it's illegal. Because ourgovernment doesn't profit from it tax-wise, they call it illegal. Ah, but ifthe government runs it, it's legal. Does anyone else not see this?
Is the fog beginning to lift? I pray it does.
When our government realized they were losing tax dollars instead of makingthem from tobacco use (due to the health costs of addictions, accidents,etc. exceeding the tax made from revenue), they decided casinos were abetter, new, healthy way for them to rake in our disposable income. Now thatthey have realized gambling has created it's own set of problems (due tothat addiction) they have moved on to legalizing marijuana use.
It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that much like drunkdriving (impaired as the law puts it), stoned driving will cause similarfallout in broken families, death of loved ones, etc.
A huge underestimated as of yet cost will be had. The families that willsuffer. Another organization akin to MADD will be needed. MASD (MothersAgainst Stoned Driving).
Our poor police services. Already frustrated with drunk driving laws, theywill now have to try to enforce stoned driving laws.
Let there be no doubt there will be a huge increase of use on our roadsystems and thus infractions will increase, accidents, loss of life. Is astoned driver any safer than a drunk driver?
Are we so foolish to swallow the messages that we have to have liquorinvolved at every social or family event we have? "Take a trip", they feedus. Look at the wine drinking people having a supposed great time on thebeach. At sports events, concerts, etc. It's lunacy! And yet we buy into it.The notion. The tragic potion! The facade. The happy people posters.
Do we need to gamble to feel powerful? That we are winners? Does anyonebesides a patient in severe pain that is fighting a disease need marijuana?
Don't drink and drive is a motto we all hear. Why do we need to drink atall? What's wrong with us that we need any type of substance to have a goodtime? Can't we deal with reality as it is? Can we not learn to take life'sups and downs and grow from that experience into people who care not justfor ourselves, but for all others as well?
And we preach quality of life? The days of inhabiting the planet stonedor drunk should surely be over by now. But yet it continues.
We call tribes in jungles uncivilized, and yet look at us and what we do toourselves and each other. Who really are the uncivilized peoples? We shouldn't need to change our reality. We should be happy within our ownskin, and not needing the influence of some foreign, unhealthy substancewithin our bodies to make us think we are having a good time, feel acceptedor loved.
We should be building a healthy, positive, sustainable, loving future. Whyis there not more good news in the world instead of sad, depressing storiesof people hurting themselves and others?
What we need to do is legalize healthy living. Not marijuana or any othermind altering substance that is not medicinally needed.
We must speak up or the shame will end up being on us.
Miles Patrick Yohnke photograph by Jenn Diehl for Scarlet Rain Photography.To learn more about Jenn Diehl, and to contact her, please visit here:
Miles Patrick Yohnke is a globally recognized motivational author, poet, and mentor with a wealth of life experience. His philosophies and materials are used in schools in Africa, India, and the United States. They are used by preachers in their pulpits. They have been read on National radio and featured in countless publications.
If you are looking at developing your career, Yohnke offers consulting in person, by phone or via email. For more info, please contact Miles directly at: 306.227.6379
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