"More Inspirational Thoughts For The Day"

"I am grateful for my 14 months of sobriety. I have an opportunity to rebuild my life now and it's due to my willingness to grow through my new "design for living." I want to say, "Hello" to THE ALANO CLUB, JACKIE S.,and HARD ROCK. Thank You A.A."
Written in 2013 by Chad W. --- Alabama
14 months as of Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Faceless Achievers

On completion of any social asset, a celebrity generally does the inauguration. On the other hand, the people who sweated and worked on the project, who wielded pickaxes and spades, who labored all through the summer heat or endured the winter cold, in order to finish the job, are never seen; those who did not work by the sweat of their brow always seem to come off the best. I want to be someone capable of seeing the unseen faces, of seeing those, who do not seek fame or glory, who silently fulfill the role life has given them. I want to be able to do this because the most important things that shape our existence are precisely the ones that never show their faces."
Written in 2013 by Er. G.B. Kar, S.E.

"I lost the battle when I made a mistake, but I won it back the moment I realized it."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Saurabh Gupta

inspiring words to our dear self

"Dear Self, It's me and you forever. No matter who else enters your life, remember to make space for us - fill our cup first because you can't pour from an empty fountain. Take gentle care of yourself, even when it's tempting to focus on other souls. Don't. Don't abandon yourself. Don't forget yourself. Because I need you. Whole, healthy, secure, and content with me always. I love you."
Your Human --- Submitted by Lauren Covington

"I don't hate anyone. The only people I know well enough to hate, I love."
Dennis Ayua --- Submitted by Fiend Ayua

"The limits of your mind define the boundaries of your world."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Pradnya Potdar

"Tight lines and squealin' reels put a smile on my face every time."
Gary Turner --- Submitted by A.J.
For all the fishermen out there!

"Life is like music, so it can be played in different styles."
Written in 2013 by Calvin Audax

"I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value."
Author Unknown ---Submitted by Mohammed --- Saudi Arabia

Sometimes you have to move on, let go in order to receive.

"You can't grab on to the new life you want if you are still hokding on to the one you currently have. There is no way round it; one must be willing to lose in order to gain or let go to receive. If you don't get rid of the old furniture in your house, how will you ever make room for the one you're looking to buy today?"
Author Unknown

"There is always a choice; the only part you have to decide on is living with the consequences."
Written in 2013 by Zunaid N.
People take the easy way out.

"Confidence: Never Having To Prove Yourself Wrong."
Written in 2013 by Eric Eisenberg

"Don't mourn over your bad decisions, just start overcoming them with good ones."
Joyce Meyer --- Submitted by Maritoni Llorca

"Sometimes negative thoughts are just like negative prints. All they require is to be immersed in the right formulation of solution to develop them into beautiful pictures that can imprint positive footprints into the heart and mind of others."
Written in 2013 by Anuj Somany
Feel empowered to be positive in all circumstances and situations and see even somebody's negative thoughts as possible and probable solutions to some problems or challenges in life.

inspiring words about my availablilty

"I am only available for things that make me feel empowered, inspired, loved, blessed and abundant."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Lauren Covington

"Self-Discipline is the genesis of success!!"
Written in 2013 by Shankar Reddy
I affirm this every day! So think, these may be powerful words to help all human beings...

"Many problems are actually solutions. Only constant and consistent thinking about them exaggerates, amplifies and glorifies the issues."
Written in 2013 by Anuj Somany
Feel motivated to think about each problem as a solution only.

"My motto is: if it's not what you want, turn back and make every turn worth it."
Written in 2013 by Dalton S.

Note: Read Our Current Thoughts of the Day

Thoughts Of The Day