"Trees give us their shades, blooms, and fruits, no matter the storm or rain. That is only because, underneath, the roots break whatever comes in their paths to give them a solid foundation. So, be like a tree; break whatever is in your path and ground yourself well and then you'll be able to bloom too."
Written in 2012 by Sai S. --- India
One of my own realizations, spelt in words.

"Focus less on what others think of you; don't allow your energy to be drained by worrying. Place your energy into moving you towards a higher level. Look beyond the presumptions that others imagine and connect with your highest vision. Keep in mind; what anyone else thinks of you is none of your business."
Copyright © 2012 Marcia Small-Persaud

"Personal Success means more than any dollar amount. It is the key to a happy and self-fulfilled life. To start down the road to personal success one must embody their venerable fringe and fuse it with their unyielding ambition."
Copyright © 2012 David Swenson
"He, who has the vision of the ultimate, will not settle for the immediate."
Pastor Femi Emmanuel --- Submitted by Adeleke O. Solomon
The greatest gift God gave humanity is not sight, but vision. Sight is a function of the eyes, but vision is a function of the mind. You can only seize what you can see. What you need is vision!
"Work hard because it takes time to be great, but the courage to fail is very cheap."
Written in 2012 by Ayo M. --- Nigeria
"I may never be good enough for someone but promise to be the best for those who deserve me."
Written in 2012 by Swati Diwan
"The easiest way to resolve an argument is to prevent it."
Written in 2012 by Raymond C. Nolan
As a minister I have been called to resolve family arguments that should have never started in the first place. Had the two parties seen the benefit of never letting the problem begin, a resolution would have been unnecessary.
"When you focus on problems, you will have more problems and when you focus on possibilities, you will have more opportunities."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Lokinder Chauhan
"I would rather stand in the line of wise men to catch the breadcrumbs falling off their plate of encouragement, wisdom and guidance than the buffet line of naysayers, slanderers and crushers of the spirit."
Written in 2012 by Caroline Naoroji
"Email is like the spoken word and you must think before you speak. Because once the words leave your lips or the email leaves your fingertips, you can not take them back."
Written in 2012 by Theresa Gomes
Email and text messages are replacing face to face or telephone conversations, and hand-written letters and fewer people are concerned with their choice of words. We must always be considerate of the mentalor emotional state of the receiver when forming our words, be they written or spoken.
"The Titanic sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on 15 April 1912 (100 years on) after colliding with an iceberg. Relationships sometimes are like the Titanic - plain and smooth at first but if taken for granted, they could collide."
Written in 2012 by Duncan Borg Ellul
To safeguard relationships
"SHOULD have, WOULD have and COULD have will ALWAYS keep YOU from I CAN, I WILL and I AM."
Written in 2012 by Rio Vergini
"When life gives you lemons, then make lemonade! At no time stop believing the impossible. Accept the unexpected. Keep a constant watch for the positive in everything and everyone and never settle for average. Stay dedicated in helping others realize their unlimited potential! Do it every day and DO IT BIG!!!"
Copyright © 2012 Jimmy Hagewood
"We are not born professionals but we are all born with talents, ambitions and dreams so as to strive to be professionals through hard work and determination."
Written in 2012 by Kanya Ngcebesa
"Dream big; fear not. If we don't fight for ourselves, who will? Just try, maybe we could shine!"
Written in 2012 by Cynthia Wong
Have you ever been in a situation that when you said something (maybe your dreams) you wanted to achieve out loud, yet someone jumped to conclusion that "Oh c'mon, just wake up and stop dreaming. Don't be silly and face the reality!" However, I just want to say: my life, my choices, my mistakes, my lessons, not your business. I would never regret what I've done because at one time, that's exactly what I wanted.
"You can never say that you have arrived when you reach the foot of a mountain for this is a victory shout reserved for those who reach the loftiest peak."
Written in 2011 by David Robinson
"Rejection or refusal is a temporary phase of life. Always give yourself another chance. Never surrender and don't give your last try in anything you may reattempt to do. Keep trying after every rejection and prepare yourself more strongly, wisely and make it happen. You are not a failure until you give up."
Written in 2011 by Krishna Sadh
"Life's ups and downs provide windows of opportunity to determine your values and goals. Think of using all obstacles as stepping-stones to build the life you want."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Mohammed --- Saudi Arabia
"Everyone around us is fabulous. What matters is our perception about them. Having a very strong self-image will help us identify their strengths. Coming back to the main point..... Have a solid self-image."
Written in 2012 by Wispmac Shah --- India
"A new day is the biggest opportunity of your life."
Written in 2012 by Maria Uman --- California
"When your actions are in sync with your heart, something beautiful is bound to happen."
Written in 2012 by Monica T. --- Florida