Who Is Teaching Whom?
The Teacher and the Student
A letter arrived to the old professor's home where he had retired after teaching and graduating many generations of scholars. The letter came from James, an average student who had struggled to passthe professor's classes but had finally made it.
Many years after having graduated, James had assumed an important leadership role in his company but felt uneasy at times. James wrote a desperate short question to his professor, whom he consider thewisest person he had ever met, even though he knew he could have done a better job at taking advantage of his former teacher's lessons.
The old professor's wrinkled hands held the letter up in the air and took off his glasses to stare at the sky for a moment, sigh and grab the old red pen he had always used to mark James's papers. Thered pen was never used to mark James's papers down, but to provide notes of comments and reflection questions on the pages margins.
The old professor's note briefly stated:
Dear James,
It will be my pleasure to have you back so that I can continue learning from you.
Copyright © 2012 Luis Alejandro Sanchez Corrales
I am a devoted educator, coach and advisor. Through my international experience, in more than 7 countries, I have accumulated a wide variety of skills and expertise that enables me to develop passion andenthusiasm in everything I do. Originally from Lima Peru, with a B.S. in Agricultural Engineering and a Master's in Environmental Education, I have "dreams that let me sleep" especially the most important one:the ability to convey that passion and enthusiasm to promote personal growth.