Do You Make Good Choices For Your Life?


For all of us who have not been afflicted by some ill fortune of disease or accident, our choices usually determine our successes in life. Each new day presents added challenges, opportunities, andpossibilities. It is up to us what selections we choose. It is up to us how intelligently we make our choices. I might also add, a decision not to act is as much of a choice as a deliberate decision to act.

We make choices constantly.
They are our choices and we must own them.

We choose our actions or our inactions, our beliefs and our non-beliefs, just as we choose the clothes we wear or the books we read.In the compilation of life's choices, there is an abundance of experiences to draw meaning from. Through time, our actions and beliefs move us in the direction we choose to go. Hopefully, growth occursfrom consistently making the right choices and learning from the wrong choices.

The process of learning to make good decisions is the heart of growth.

As we grow, life gives us new and exciting challenges to choose. If we fail, life will continue to give us more opportunities toachieve or fail. So, ask yourself the right questions as you ponder your choices and you will choose the correct answers. As you go through life, you'll find that your choices have a definitive impactupon you, so you will need to make them carefully.

Your very being is determined by your choices.

Ask for God's guidance and care along the way. Have the faith to trust Him with your choices. Seek His wisdom and have courage to persevere when the pathwayis hard. But, always remember, only you have the freedom and the responsibility to determine your station in life.

Copyright © 2012 Bob Stoess
Bob Stoess is a Retired CEO, prolific writer and wonderful mentor.

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