Your Journey Has Not Ended; It Has Only Just Begun.
Climb High, Climb Far; Your Goal The Sky, Your Aim The Stars.

Exploration is a dangerous business,
but where would mankind be if we did not explore?
It is our nature to see what is over the next hill,
to see what lies out there in the darkness of space.

Lenny and Peggy Schmidt


They were almost home
The seven brave souls
Who traveled aloft in the sky.

They were almost home
And so anxious to see
The loved ones they kissed good-bye.

They were almost home
Some had been there before
Others their very first flight.

They were almost home
Getting closer to earth
How long did they know their plight?

They were almost home
They were seen in the air
Over Texas we saw the jet streams.

They were almost home
When we knew they were doomed.
As the Columbia broke at her seams.

They were almost home
As we watched her break up
And pieces went plummeting by.

They were almost home
The seven who reached
The ultimate goal in the sky.

They were almost home
To their earthly ties,
The loved ones missed while away.

They were almost home
And God turned them around.
Now they soar even higher today.

By Carol Bouche' Ottlinger 02/01/03

With sorrow I write these simple words
that come from the depths of my heart
for the pain we now suffer again
at the loss of brave souls
and the families and friends left behind.

Stories / Articles 2003

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