I Am My Today
How Do You Start Your Day?
I start my day with remembering my Dream.
I am swiftly and surely converting it into a Vision.
I see myself in the final Goal, arriving at my Creation.
In my journey toward understanding my beliefs,
I sense an intruder saying you'll never make it.
The odds are against me, and it begins to dictate evidence;
Time is not there, resist sacrifice, and me is listening to me.
I demand you show yourself; "What are you called?"
It responds: "It is me... FEAR; the instigator of me in me.
I create lies in our path by questions of 'What if's?'
I exist to affirm we will never have, or be what we want to be."
Suddenly, I AM awakened to who is in control.
Why am I listening to this?
I AM the creator of my destiny.
I will rename fear and now your inspiration.
I AM embracing fear, and I will prove it wrong
Through commitment and actions for me.
I AM strong in small steps,
For my small steps will get me to the tops of the mountains.
I AM in control,
Taking movements in contradiction of fear and recognize
I AM above it.
I no longer entertain "Who Am I" but I know "Who I AM".
I AM in control.
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