Always, I Am With You
Love Is Everlasting
You have told me time and again,
That I am your life and your mission,
You used to say that life would cease after me,
I still exist but you have ceased to live even with me.
As of yesterday I am still looking at you,
Holding your hand, staring at you.
But now it seems you are not with me,
Standing alone, fighting with your own agony.
I know you are very much depressed,
At this point, trying to overcome it.
I am also patiently waiting for that moment.
But apprehend that it might not be too late.
Life is too short; we must take the ugly strife
For such is the way and the spice of life.
I don't know what to say and how to convince
This is indeed a phase, yet another experience.
We are for each other, for this is true,
Remember that always I will, and I'm with you.
Copyright © 2014 Mrs. Swarna Prabha Kar Please share a comment about this poem with Us: Email Us
Enjoy some other writing by Swarna:
The Power Of Tears
My Companion
Victory Beyond Fear
Trust Deficit
Paving The Way To Unconditional Love
Mama, I'm Not As Good As You
What Will You Do If...