- The Year of the Spirited Stallion and the Seven Universal Year
The sounds of the hooves can be heard. The stallion gallops with pride and spirit into the year on January 31st, 2014, in the heart of winter. As millions around the world will celebrate the entranceof this brave, loyal, and regal being, the ancient guides of numbers point us to the universal year belonging to God, the 7 year. So, what does the year of the green wood horse mean exactly? What is thesignificance of the 7 universal year? 2014 is the year of the journeyer, the wanderer... the spirited stallion.
Let me explain.
2014 is governed by the wood element. This, in conjunction with it being a green horse, makes this a year of creativity, travel, learning, teaching, and journeying into unchartered territories.Courage and hope will not be short this year, as we will all sense the energy of this spirited being. His enthusiasm is contagious, filling us with a zest for life and a desire to embrace the unknown,to voyage and wander through lands and down pathways into realms beyond our vision, understanding that the time is now for the changes we have yearned. Yet, the 7 universal year calls upon us to retreatat times, to sit in meditation, to seek knowledge and to be guided by ancient wisdom; to be in synchrony with the pulse of the Universe. After all, the 7 year is the year that belongs to God. Yes, youare thinking, every year belongs to God. But in this year, surrendering and faith become even more our focus, and the belief that the Universe guides us will resonate deeper within us.
The horse, in conjunction with the 7 year, is about the collective consciousness, about our harmony and peace. The vibrations of the year sometimes won't allow the horse to gallop at full speed. We areso ready for the next chapter, to jump ahead, to leap forward that we can take on too much and tire, needing time to retreat and regroup, to rest. There are many pauses this year, and sometimes even afull stop is needed. It is so easy to be impulsive, wanting to run with the wind, untethered; yet, we will feel the tightening of reigns. It is in such times that the horse will guide us to walk in slowerstrides. There and then, we will oil our joints, clean out our lungs from the dusty winds, and sit in a corner with other horses, on many moons, understanding that although we want movement now, it is aprocess, one of surrendering and looking to guidance from the Universe. It is a journey that has its own pace and we need to honor it.
As lands and leaders will walk into peaceful agreement, we see that weapons and warfare become even less the solution and more the problem; the horse will help restore our faith in humanity. Resolutionsto the environment and anything unjust and unfair will be dealt with rather fast. The year follows 2013's Goddess vibrations to remind us that many of the rules and regulations need to change, so that, asa people, we may be raised to a new plateau of true awareness and global togetherness.
The stallion is not afraid. He is open to learning, teaching, leading, always loyal, creating movement and progress on all fronts. It is, however, up to us to use this year as a teacher, as a guide, toseek knowledge, to walk in the truth of our being, taking part in our global community. We will be charged with creating new ways of finding harmony, and understanding that there is no race this year,no competition...we are all in this together, to build a stronger foundation in our lives and communities. The horse will definitely stir us into movement and as the weather will constantly shift, so willthe elements of our lives until finally the dust settles and we enter a new terrain.
How each one of us fares depends on how much each of us yearns to live a more fulfilling life. As you hear the determined gallop of the horse, and in the spring see it gain momentum then dash into summer,and slow down in autumn, understand and know that we are ready, each of us, to step into new shoes. Slowly take strides, pause in between, and realize at all times that the spirited stallion is only hereto bring forth much needed movement and growth. His confident gait leads us to our colored rainbow, takes flight into the green forests and lifts us into the world of our dreams.
This can only be good.
Copyright © 2014 Mitra Rahbar
Mitra Rahbar is a teacher, intuitive, author, and singer/songwriter. You can connect with her on Facebook.com/voiceofmitra or through her website https://www.voiceofmitra.com. Please share a comment about this article with us: Email Us
Note: Picture Of Horse from http://www.chinesefortunecalendar.com