"Sometimes the world seems against you, but you are never alone. All you need to do is find the one thing to let everything out and it leaves you feeling happy. For me, I sing and write songs, but itprobably will be different for you and always remember: when you feel the most alone, you are not."
Written in 2012 by Jordan H., Age 15 --- California

"Talk less, work more in class."
Written in 2012 by Nikhil N., Age 17 --- India

"Dreams are.... first to believe, then to pursue, and finally to turn them into reality!"
Written in 2011 by Shirley C., Age 17
"Life is a CAMERA: Focus on the people who are WORTH the COLOUR."
Written in 2012 by Navroz G., Age 16 --- New Zealand
"Life is full of troubles, it's not gonna be so easy to fight but it's your life and you have to take the responsibility to fight for it."
Written in 2012 by Shubhanshu T., Age 18 --- India

"Messing up is easy. It's cleaning up your mess that gives you a hard time!"
Written in 2012 by T.J.G., Age 14 --- North Carolina
We all mess up. We mess up everyday! But we don't think about the fact that we are going to have to clean it up ourselves.
"Life is full of obstacles. Pains and Sufferings are everywhere; in order to survive we must have faith in God."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Cybill L.A., Age 15 --- Philippines
"Choose your friends wisely; you never know when you're going to need them."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Sekai B., Age 16
This quote came to mind when I was getting bullied in school. I had the ability to turn to my friends in the time of need.
"Sometimes you feel overwhelmed to the point of breaking down. Sometimes you feel like giving up. And when you do, remember, it's okay to cry and to open up to others and when that's done, look in themirror and smile. There's a reason you held on for so long :)"
TLB Submitted by DL..G., Age 17 --- Zimbabwe
This is a lil something I put together. I've always tried and always have been the "Rock" and sometimes I feel the need to crash too. And when life just doesn't seem fair or any easier, I always findthat there are always those amazing people you call friends or family that are always around for you. I've learnt it's okay to hurt, shows I'm only human... but once you fall, get right back up! The world's yours,if you wanna take it =)
"Let others say what they want, because it doesn't mean anything unless you let it mean something."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Arianna C., Age 16 --- Minnesota
I always tell my little sister this whenever she would come home from school crying. She would never let them see her break down but it always got to her. She has a mental disability and people make funof her daily. It was always the one thing that kept her head up through it all.
"When it rains, just hold out your arms and embrace it and share the downpour with those who care about you."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by E.J., Age 17 --- New York
"Never forget who you are and where you come from! It's an important part of you that you will find strength and peace from."
Written in 2012 by Ariel R., Age 13 --- Georgia
"Lead your life in the right direction, but don't let the right direction lead you wrong."
Written in 2012 by Emma W., Age 14 --- New York
"Ordinary People Make Extraordinary Heroes."
Written in 2012 by Morgan M., Age 16 --- Vermont
I created this quote along with other quotes one night while doing homework for my Honors English class about writing a personal anthology and having to choose 10 quotes. I relate it to 9/11 the most,but to life in general because everyone is a hero in some way, not just spiderman, or the prince that slays the dragon for the princess in the tallest tower... you, me, everyone!
"When life seems rough, just keep your head held high. You are more capable than you give yourself credit for. Don't belittle your accomplishments because they matter and so do you."
Written in 2012 by Rue H. --- Washington
"In life, there will certainly be heavy rain pours(tough times). Don't pray for a light one, just pray for a good umbrella."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Ale-Felix M., Age 14 --- Nigeria
"It takes 2 to tango, but it takes 1 to lead. Trust me and I will lead you out of these dark times."
Written in 2011 by Ciara K., Age 15 --- Illinois

"Every second is part of your life; don't waste it. :)"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Skyheart Y., Age 14 --- Washington

"Nobody's perfect? Ask this question to those athletes who won gold in the Olympics, to those who get perfect 10 in their test. We all are perfect; we don't need to change for anyone but we need to tryour best because its the only way we can bring our perfectness."
Written in 2012 by Ayushma T., Age 16 --- Nepal
This is my own composition inspired by an athlete, as I am also an athlete.

"You don't have to be "good looking" to be beautiful ... it's what's inside that counts."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Marie C., Age 13 --- Ireland
I think some more people out there need to know this. Just thinking this makes me want to get out of bed and just helps me through the day.
Note: More Life Quotes for Teens