"Don't aim to retrieve your lost stars from your enemy but aim to achieve a better star in greater heights."
Written in 2012 by Prince C., Age 19 --- Nigeria
Forward ever, backward never.
"Everyone says "Practice Makes Perfect", but it doesn't. If we continuously practice the wrong way to dribble a ball, we are making it permanent. Therefore, practice makes permanent."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by M.G., Age 13 --- West Virginia
"Nobody knows everything but everybody knows something."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Prem R., Age 17 --- India
"Big Brother, - wherever life takes you, no matter what problems you run into, know that I am always here for you, near or apart, and that I'll always love you with all of my heart."
Written in 2012 by Morgan M., Age 16 --- Vermont
Dedicated to my older brother, Mitchell - Love you always Mitchy

"Look deep down and you will find out that you are the change, you are the hope, you are the miracle. You are all the strength you need in times unbearable. You can make a reformation in your generation."
Written in 2012 by Siyanbade J.T., Age 15 --- Nigeria

"Dance like no one's watching, sing like you're in the shower, dream like anything's possible. Don't let anyone stop you from doing what you want to do."
Written in 2012 by Kalin K., Age 15 --- Texas

"Life is like mathematics. We all want to have the right answer at the end but for that to happen we need to know what to add, where to subtract, how to multiply and when to divide. A small mistake can leadnot only to an unexpected answer but also will not give you a chance to undo the wrong step. So we need to be careful while solving our mathematics called life."
Written in 2012 by Basharath A., Age 18 --- India

"Life without an aim is like an envelope without an address. And Life with an aim but without action is like an envelope with an address but not posted."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Purna P., Age 17 --- India

Sometimes I'm lonely.
Sometimes I'm scared.
Sometimes I feel like I'm never even there.
Sometimes I play.
Sometimes I pause.
Sometimes I do things without a real cause.
Sometimes I think.
Sometimes I cry.
Sometimes I don't know who to ask why.
Sometimes I'm there.
Sometimes I'm late.
Sometimes I can't even choose its fate.
Sometimes I sing.
Sometimes I rhyme.
Sometimes I'll do anything to get you off of my mind.
Sometimes I pout.
Sometimes I scream.
All these times I want to wake from this dream.
Written in 2012 by Kayci H., Age 14 --- Illinois

"Don't let the world change your smile, let your smile change the world."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Surjit S., Age 17 --- India
"The reason we give up so fast is because we tend to look at how far we still have to go, rather than how far we have gotten and its great benefits."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Lauriaelle F., Age 13 --- Maryland
"The important thing in life is to find your purpose on earth."
Written in 2012 by Melody A., Age 15 --- Nigeria
If you discover the reason why you have come to this world, you will never be misled.
"Life's like a puzzle... It is assembled in pieces, but in the end it all comes together."
Written in 2012 by Morgan M., Age 16 --- Vermont
This is another quote that I created one night while doing homework for my Honors English class about writing a personal anthology which included 10 quotes from any sources. So I made a few, and borroweda few from sources such as Dr. Seuss and Mahatma Gandhi.
"If you don't fight for what you want, don't cry for what you lost."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Lauraielle F., Age 13 --- Maryland
I really like it because it has to do with taking the opportunity when you have it.
"DO what is best for you and not what people tell you to do."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Stella O., Age 15 --- Ohio
"If explanations are needed, than what's the meaning of TRUST?"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Purna P., Age 17 --- India
"The longer the night lasts, the more our dreams will be. The more we pray, the more realistic our dreams will be. The more we become focused, the more we live our dreams."
Written in 2012 by Ben G., Age 16 --- Ghana
"Faith is taking the first step, even when you can't see the whole staircase."
Martin Luther King Jr. --- Submitted by Niamh O., Age 14 --- England
Even if you don't know where your choices will lead you, if they feel like they're the right thing to do... go for it:)
"Never be someone you aren't, instead be who you always were, yourself."
Written in 2012 by Summer A., Age 16 --- Texas
Note: More Life Quotes for Teens