"Your life isn't a race. It doesn't matter how fast you get there, whether you run, walk or crawl. What matters is that you get there."
Written in 2012 by Jean C., Age 16 --- New Hampshire

"Being a teen is a stage of life when very teen is confused about their life - whether to study or love your emotions! The best teen is the one who studies through their mind and loves through their heart."
Written in 2012 by Alisha S., Age 17 --- India
My own experience

"Life is like a football game. All people should have a burning desire to reach their goals because like players in a football game, you have to fight till the end, no matter how hard the game may be,to put the ball in the net. Same is our life; it's full of ups and turns. Never underestimate yourself in life. You are the one! You can do anything you wish to do. Never demotivate yourself, the worldneeds you and be the change at this very moment. Have your goals in life and reach them and live like a legend."
Written in 2011 by Darshan K., Age 17 --- India

"Forget everyone, and be yourself!"
Written in 2012 by Devyani C., Age 15 --- India

"While waiting for God to open the next door, why not praise Him in the hallway?"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Siyanbade J.T., Age 15 --- Nigeria
Praise is your catalyst to move God.

"Don't say, 'No one likes Me.' Just say, 'There is no one like Me.' - Attitude matters."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Purna P., Age 17 --- India

"No jerk, no matter how powerful, can ever crush a person's capacity for love, or their spirit of freedom."
Michael Workman --- Submitted by Janaya C., Age 15 --- Australia

"Follow truth; Goodness will automatically follow you."
Written in 2012 by Eshita V., Age 13 --- India
I have not copied this quote from anywhere, I have made this on my own.

"You're never too young to dream big!!!!!!!! :)"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Lauriaelle F., Age 13 --- Maryland

"Cherish each and every moment you have now, because there may not be another moment."
Written in 2012 by Aaron P., Age 16 --- Iowa

"Never become doubtful of the reason why you have been passionate about one thing for a while. They are a kind of born impulse so be an ardent expert."
Written in 2012 by Ssu-yu P.,Age 17 --- Taiwan
Some of my friends are doubtful of their dreams, of what they have been passionate about. But recently they became nervous and have no idea whether they were really passionate about that and whether it is worthpursuing their dream just because they love it. I just want to tell them, never be doubtful of your heart. Keep doing, and you will find out those consequences are as beautiful as you think.

"It's hard to move around with loose stitches and ends in the hems of your clothes so you probably need to fix those loose ends."
Written in 2012 by Marco Paulo B., Age 17 --- Philippines

"I don't believe perfection is the absence of all flaws one may have. I believe perfection is hope, love, and dreams. I believe having said "flaws" is what make us perfect. I believe that to be perfect,the real definition of perfect, not the one that society has so blindly crafted, is to be human. We're all equal, perfect, human beings aren't we?"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by S.E.

"We met for a reason, either you're a blessing or a lesson!"
Frank Ocean --- Submitted by Lauraielle F., Age 13 --- Maryland

"In every position you find yourself in, think about the people who stood by you."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Ethel P., Age 14 --- Maryland
Note: More Life Quotes for Teens