"Self Improvement Quotes"

"Life is easy to live if we can understand this: that we can't force others and others can't force us."
Written in 2012 by Wardah Nayab
This is my own quote and very good advice for everyone.

"Without humility, the greatest man will yearn to seek his peace. Humility is the key to the kingdom of 'heart'."
Copyright © 2012 Chrisse Feros

"I pay no attention whatever to anybody's praise or blame. I simply follow my own feelings."
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart --- Submitted by George Wachirah
"Don't push it. Let it come to you."
Written in 2011 by Kristina Dollas
"The only service a friend can really render is to keep up your courage by holding up to you a mirror in which you can see a noble image of yourself."
George Bernard Shaw --- Submitted by Jagdish Kaviraj
"There will come a time in our lives when we will come to the realization that the world in fact does not revolve around us! At that moment, we will begin to appreciate the sacrifices that others have made tomake our life seem easy. Thank you is a great start but to reach our potential as human beings then we must learn to perfect the art of caring and sharing!"
Copyright © 2012 Jon Hawks
"The more experiences you have in life, the broader the levels of your compassion."
Written in 2012 by Kaoru Shinmon
"The 'good life' begins when you stop wanting a better one."
Nkosiphambili E. Molapisi --- Submitted by Lebo N.
"Life is full of setbacks...we need to make some setforwards, even after the setbacks! This is the only way to stay healthy, mentally and physically. So after a setback why not have a setfoward?"
Written in 2010 by Marion Licchiello
Setbacks can drag us down so much and then linger...we need to concentrate on moving forward after a setback or we just keep on taking 2 steps forward and 3 steps back!!!!!!!
"Be patient, because when that time comes, it will come on time."
Written in 2012 by Roy Dela Calzada
My own quotation.
"The less secure a man is, the more likely he is to have extreme prejudice."
Clint Eastwood --- Submitted by Rob Lopez
"If I do not know how to be successful in my field of calling, I will learn about the ten most successful men in my field."
Ayomide Akinyande --- Submitted by Daniel Akinyande
"If you don't set a baseline standard for what you'll accept in life, you'll find it's easy to slip into behaviors and attitudes or a quality of life that's far below what you deserve."
Anthony Robbins --- Submitted by Lauren Covington
"How do you become better tomorrow? By improving yourself, the world is made better. Be not afraid of growing too slowly. Be afraid of standing still. Forget your mistakes, but remember what they taught you.So how do you become better tomorrow? By becoming better today."
Benjamin Franklin --- Submitted by James Padilla
"Happy people plan actions; they don't plan results."
Dennis Wholey --- Submitted by Jagdish Kaviraj
"Your heart and soul knows the real you; therefore you are as attractive to the world physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally as you deserve to be, based on the content of your heart."
Written in 2012 by Marcia Small-Persaud
"You never know the ability in you until you try to do something."
Written in 2012 by James Njeru
"One of the greatest distractions in fulfilling your purpose is trying to be someone else. Be you; look more inward than outward because that's where the treasure is. Don't let the success of others makeyou change track to theirs. You will be disqualified by life. Stick to your purpose. In no time, you will start reaping."
Written in 2012 by Osemeke Smek Uwakina
"Permanence is ephemeral."
Written in 2012 by Daria Wubbels Devantier
Many preconceived notions of what I thought was true and solid continue to fall as I live my life.
"There is neither happiness nor misery in the world; there is only the comparison of one state with another, nothing more. He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Mohammed --- Saudi Arabia
"In life there are certain obstacles we have to learn to overcome."
Kidus Henok --- Submitted by Ashley Johnson
"Some people always throw stones in your path. It depends on you what you make with them, WALL or BRIDGE?? Remember that you are the only architect of your LIFE."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Abhishek Singh Chauhan
"Problems exist in the life of every person. When you see more solutions than one for a problem, problem is in and out of you. When you see one solution for a problem, rejoice; problem is only outside."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by M.A.
I was trying to find out the causes for confusion in my mind.
"The most important person in your life? It's you, nobody else - not your parents, brother/sister, partner or kids - just you. If you are happy, you can make others happy. If you are in good health, you can look after others."
Copyright © 2000 Radka Kozielova