"Self Improvement Quotes"

"At my age I have learned one lesson amongst many that comes to mind each day... Just Be Yourself, Everyone Else Is Taken."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Richard Chartrand

"Projected perfections always have an imperfect base."
Written in 2012 by Vikki Kumar

"Start your day with Hope and End your day with a wish."
Written in 2012 by Mohammed Sekouty --- Egypt
To help pessimistic people.
"I should have never bought her all those running shoes; they helped her run right out of my life."
Written in 2012 by Joshua F. --- Nevada
"I may not be writing your story, I may not be there seeing you write your story, I may not be the reason for you to write your story but definitely I will be helping you write your story."
Written in 2012 by Juluri Bindu Madhavi
"To forgive, it's a must; but to forget, it's a choice."
Written in 2012 by Samuel Cyprian
"The classroom is outside the closed doors of their own minds."
Written in 2001 by Carl Stoynoff
"Don't cast stones at anyone because it will hit the person, and then bounce back to you with more strength."
Copyright © 2012 Carmen Magnolia Song
"Don't let the distractions of the day make you lose focus of the bigger picture, your dreams. The more connected you are, the harder the enemy works to take you down or break your spirit. How does he accomplish that?Everyone in your life is there for a purpose... some to do good... some to do bad... don't be naive to the people around you... use wisdom always."
Written in 2011 by Sara Swan
Some people need to pay attention to the people they consider their friends... Make better choices...
"Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be unlocked from the inside."
Marilyn Ferguson --- Submitted by Lauren Covington
"There are two ways of exerting one's strength; one is pushing down, the other is pulling up."
Booker T. Washington --- Submitted by George Wachirah
It's not too late the angel said.
Even though the world's a mess...
Even though you're not as young...
Even though you've made mistakes and have been afraid
It's not too late...
And then I saw the world through the angel's eyes...
I saw the colors I could paint
The bridges I could build
The lives that I could touch
The dreams that could still come true
And it became very clear to me...
That it's not too late.
Ron Atchison --- Submitted by Sarah Hongerloot
"It is not the nature nor extent of the hurt, which we experience, that hurts us more. Rather, it is the extent of emotional attachment that we harbored in our hearts for the person who hurt us."
Written in 2012 by D.M.
"Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. Try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books written in a foreign language. Do not now look for the answers.They cannot now be given to you because you could not live them. It is a question of experiencing everything. At present you need to live the question. Perhaps you will gradually, without even noticing it,find yourself experiencing the answer, some distant day."
Rainer Maria Rilke --- Submitted by Lauren Covington
"Thoughts simply arise - but you choose to act or not act. This is what awareness brings in you. If you are not aware, you simply act on the strongest impulse or strongest thought."
Sri Sri Ravishankar --- Submitted by Narayan Veeraraghavachar
"We can't take any credit for our talents. It's how we use them that counts."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Bindul Barbhaiya
"Examining our weaknesses is not a self-indictment of our character! It is actually a way to strengthen our ability to overcome personal obstacles that will help us to become more tolerant and acceptingof change allowing us to grow as human beings!"
Copyright © 2011 Jon Hawks
"Happiness is the key to life. It doesn't matter how much you have, what you spend make, drive or wear. It all means nothing if you are not happy within yourself. Happiness is the richest thing we will ever own."
Copyright © 2011 Renee Scalfani
"Some failures only come to teach you the Art of Patience."
Written in 2012 by Varun Arora
"Once a human being has arrived on this earth, communication is the largest single factor in determining what happens to him in the world."
Virginia Satir --- Submitted by Jagdish Kaviraj
"You might not have the power of time on your side, but you have the power of mind in your life."
Written in 2012 by Samuel C. Mahlangu
I wrote this after realizing that my future lies in my hands.