"Defeated is the man sitting down afraid to get up and take a step; it's better to stay sitting down and defeated than try to get up and walk. The winner is the man jumping up to run even though he will trip and fall. He keeps getting up to run. One day he will cross that finish line and stand in victory at the end. The winner is the man not afraid to try and try and try."
Copyright © 2012 Janice Harris
"Go one step ahead, it can bring success for you; there is nothing which comes with zero risk."
Written in 2012 by Saba Hussain
"I've beaten the odds, trounced the gods, overcome all the obstacles. The path to victory is a few miles shy to reach; won't be distracted by a negative speech. I'm focused and determined!"
Copyright © 2012 Larispique Philidor

"Giving up is failure. As long you keep trying, you are not a failure."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Kunda Mutale
Many people have fallen once and have given up; I thought I could motivate them to keep trying and then succeed.

"Don't let a moment of defeat define your life's outcome. No matter how many failures you've had, you still have it in you to create the greatest comeback story of your life."
Written in 2012 by Kwabena Amoah

"If I dare to dream, dare to be wanted, dare to be appreciated - one day I will be."
Written in 2012 by Ilana Berger

"The final proof of greatness lies in being able to endure criticism without resentment."
Elbert Hubbard --- Submitted by George Wachirah

"Never doubt your potentiality. Learn from a butterfly; if it had doubts, it would have lived and died a crawling caterpillar."
Written in 2012 by Larispique Philidor

"Some doors lead to amazing things. Some doors lead to...well, not much. But the more doors a person tried, the greater the chances are that those amazing things will be discovered. If you try once and succeed, you're amazingly lucky. If you try 1000 times and succeed, you've earned it. The only trick is to keep on trying until it happens."
Doe Zantamata --- Submitted by Lauren Covington
"I've been trying and tired, but I will never get tired of trying to achieve my goals."
Written in 2012 by Larispique Philidor
"The very science of closing the gap between reality and dream is time and action, patience and persistence, and a never die heart and passion within plus absolute direction and commitment."
Written in 2012 by Edgar Ng
My dream is realizing, after years of hard work. Everything comes into place; there is a time for everything and everything to come into place. It may still fail, it may succeed, but it's worth every sweat. Don't Give Up --- Keep Going.
"As a human, if you keep yourself centered, you can do and achieve whatever you want. No matter how it takes you in life, you are never too old to take an action. Just stay focus and tell yourself I will DO and GET IT."
Written in 2012 by Sadick Sessah-Odai

"If two people believe in something, really believe, anything, even the impossible, is possible."
Castle --- Submitted by Rosalind HTW
It's true that our mind can do wonders. Sometimes we forget about it and stray away from our goals, but sometimes, you just need to be reminded of it to get back on the right tract again. Believing in one's self is a powerful thing.

"Challenge yourself everyday to do better and be better. Remember, growth starts with a decision to move beyond your present circumstances."
Robert Tew --- Submitted by Lauren Covington

"If we never felt like a failure, perhaps we have failed to define the meaning of success."
Written in 2012 by Anton Suharyanto
"Your success is not defined against another, nor is it defined by another's idea of success, but by what YOU aspire to be, by what YOU achieve and by getting to where YOU want to be. Do not measure yourself against another. Focus on what it is that YOU alone want to do, where YOU want to go, and what YOU want from life. For if you don't follow your own heart, dreams and goals, you'll always feel as though you fall short. The only person that YOU should aspire to be better than is yourself. That is what drives you as an individual to achieve what you define as success."
Copyright © 2012 Mike Woodcroft
"People are quick to condemn than to congratulate. So, do not be dismayed if the opposite is what you get."
Written in 2012 by Eyo Justice Ellis
This will encourage you to move forward, to stand when people attempt to make you fall. Whatever you get, go ahead. Chase your dream!
"There are failures before any success; just don't dwell on them, learn from them and focus on the success. Successful people have failed more than they have succeeded."
Written in 2012 by Bridget Benya
Just to encourage those who always stop following their dreams because something went wrong and quit. They should focus on their businesses, stay strong, take away all the negative things, and expect risks in any business.
Note: This Month's Motivational Quotes
Motivation Quotes 2012
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