"Every day I wake up on the 'right' side of the grass is a GOOD day! Some days are BETTER! NO 'bad' days!"
Written in 2012 by Thomas Weller a.k.a. "the San Diego Highwayman"

"Melancholies and adversities of life are meant to design our soul to stand like a sturdy tree amidst a forest with unknown destiny. Storms and threats may come up to steal our strength and to hammer our faith BUT have the heart and spirit to believe and stand firm in your own ground. For the real art of living starts with seeing yourself - how you face life and enjoy life to fullest despite thedownfalls and difficulties of times."
Written in 2012 by Rodyssa Estabillo
It's my own quote on how I perceive life's happenings.

"Free your spirit and fly to your dreams."
Written in 2012 by Mohammed Sekouty
Uncage your spirit and you will catch your dreams.

"In life, where doubts and fears can crumble the human soul, learn that human choices matter the most. It is not what fate brings us that measures what living our existence is all about. It is how we understand and act on living life to the fullest despite the "waves" and "whips" of times. Empower yourself; do not be defeated, because at the end of your day, life will teach you a journey of wonderful learning."
Written in 2012 by Odesa Estabillo
It is my own quote which I have realized in every day of my life.
"Dream big, achieve bigger."
Written in 2012 by Jonathan Simango
Our ambitions do not have to end where our dreams reach; why not go to infinite and beyond?
"The beauty of achievement and self-enrichment is in the patience."
Written in 2012 by Kemishi Ramatlhakwe
For a person to leave great legacy, one needs to be patient in building that empire of success.
"True beauty is knowing who you are and accepting it. Beauty comes from within and this is how it shines through. We all have special something that we all treasure deep inside and no one can ever take that away from us. No one is exactly same; we're all different. You're individual. You're you. What makes you is your smile, your voice; the way you walk; your interests, your love; your personality and your features. You can't be someone else otherwise you'll never be happy. Remember, you are who you are."
Copyright © 2012 Radka Kozielova
"Believe when others doubt, work when others refuse, save when others waste, stay when others quit and you will win when others lose!!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Ganesh Gupta
"We'll learn fear might not mean 'stop'; personally, I've come to believe fear usually means 'go.' It always means listen closely."
Frances Moore Lapp --- Submitted by Lauren Covington
"A positive attitude brings much gratitude! Think positive, be positive, speak positive and stay positive! Do it every day and DO IT BIG!!!"
Copyright © 2012 Jimmy Hagewood
"Life only requires a stoic determination and a ferocious resolve for dizzy heights to be scaled."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Robert Manyange
I come from a very humble background. Had it not been that I worked my fingers off in varsity with so little, honestly, I would not have been where I am today.
"Follow your dreams; they will give meaning to every step that you take."
Ylias Akberaly --- Submitted by Ukera Peera
"The only thing that I CAN'T do is settle for less. Never lower your standards for anyone or anything. Expect greatness and you'll receive it, guaranteed... Point blank, PERIOD."
Copyright © 2012 Johnnie Ivery
"History tells stories about great men from the past so write your story now."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Mohammed Sekouty
History is made now.
"Your purpose explains what you are doing with your life. Your vision explains how you are living your purpose. Your goals enable you to realize your vision."
Bob Proctor --- Submitted by Meshack Maganga
"When you are faced with a seemingly "impossible" situation, don't worry; just find an eraser and erase the 'i and m'."
Written in 2012 by Simeon Meke
We create mountains out stones because our minds have the power to create. Fortunately or unfortunately, it creates what we constantly feed it with. Impossibility builds impossibility and possibility builds positivity.
"No one will make your dreams come true but you. Only you!"
Written by Jimmy Renfroe
I think of it all the time.
"Set your goals where the sky is the beginning and if you land anywhere in between, you are doing Great."
Written in 2012 by Janice Harris
"Let your mind lead you and Let your heart guide you."
Written in 2012 by Mohammed Sekouty
You must trust yourself.
"We should never stand before one another and think that we are better! We should, however, always aspire to be better than our words!"
Copyright © 2012 Jon Hawks
"What makes the best the best is they never actually think they're the best."
Robin Sharma --- Submitted by Aafaque Ahmad
The people who are the best hardly praise themselves, instead they appraise every slightest improvement around them and make the environment conducive for growth and development.
"You can achieve everything in this life through the meditation of your heart. Changing your mindset by being positive all the time, being courageous even though you are torn down into pieces, take the challenge and enjoy the game. Believe that there's a very Powerful Above who can give you that strength you need for the battle. Never give-up and always wear your smile to the world and the world will smile back at you."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by M.R B.B --- Philippines
It lifts up my spirit and it gives me the courage to do the things I haven't known.
"The future is my canvas. Now I have to paint the right picture."
Written in 2012 by Bryan C. Tschuor
"In times of turmoil and despair, giving up is the easiest thing you can do. Instead have courage, determination, strength and hope to triumph over your troubles."
Written in 2012 by Karm Sandhu
Motivation Quotes 2012
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