"In organizations, real power and energy is generated through relationships. The patterns of relationships and the capacities to form them are more important than tasks, functions, roles, and positions."
Margaret Wheatly

"Men make history, and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better."
Harry S. Truman

"People who are coaches will be the norm. Other people won't get promoted."
Jack Welch

"There is an essential need for a leader to seek and address what man feels, as man is not only a thinking being but one that feels too."
Written in 2008 by Karabo Senna --- South Africa

"When life throws you a curve... hit it!"
Written in 2008 by Steve Bruning --- Iowa
I have been reminded this year how often we let the unexpected things that come along in life dominate us. Take charge of the things that you can.

"Adversity is the best teacher."
Written in 2008 by Fred Akama --- Kenya

"CHANGE is a thing that can keep you in the success RANGE. Hence change is must..."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Pravin Dhikale --- India

"The barrier is there for you to overcome and not to hide from."
Written in 2008 by Shaun Setoh --- Singapore

"Learning becomes more miraculous and ever present when the human heart is engaged."
Dr. Laurence Martel --- Submitted by Tania Saghir --- Pakistan

"The higher we intend to fly, more and more obstacles interrupt our flight."
Written in 2008 by Denise D'souza --- Pakistan

"Achievement without belief is rather luck, which can as well perish if it remains belief-free."
Written in 2008 by Tommy Mtloa --- South Africa
I believe, regardless of luck, success can be created through hard work and hard work strengthens belief.

"Your vision is impaired only by your own view."
Written in 2008 by Rugmini Menon --- India
I find this quote extremely Inspirational and True.

"One's excuses are another's opportunity for achievement."
Written in 2008 by K. Peters --- Indiana

"It only takes a ripple to move the ocean."
Copyright © 2004 Rene Ross Garza

"Coal can shine only when it is in heat - outside it's dark black."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Dhirendra Kumar --- India
Gives motivation in difficulties.

"The world judges you by your actions, not your intentions."
Written in 1980 by Floyd Carter --- California

"One of the valuable things in life is not how you made a name for yourself but how your name came into the knowledge of those people who matter to you the most. Life is not just making a big name for yourself but it is making your life bigger because you valued all the people around you, whether they have a name or not."
Copyright © 2008 Bai Maleiha B.Candao --- Philippines
I am guided by that fact that all men are created equal. Those who are fortunate have marked a name for themselves in their chosen fields. Those who are less-fortunate have been content by just doing their tasks without people knowing who they are. In my mind, they are the teachers, who work hard in spite of their meager salaries and yet they still manage to produce brilliant students and successful leaders of their respective countries. Whoever assumes the responsibility for a greater majority deserves accolades for they are people whose names may not be in the headlines of newspapers but their names will never be forgotten, for they left a mark in our hearts.

"Survival is for the fittest. The fittest are not the strongest, neither the most intelligent, but those that are more adaptable to change."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by W. Johnson Mjaria --- South Africa
The recent changes in the global economy are causing hardship, especially among middle and low income groups. This quote is to encourage people to make drastic changes in their lifestyles in order to cope with these changes.

"Success is the combination of hard work with smart work."
Written in 2008 by S.M.Yasar Zahin --- Qatar

"Even eagles need a push."
David McNally

"Where all think alike, no one thinks very much."
Walter Lippmann

"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything."
George Bernard Shaw

"Pull the string, and it will follow wherever you wish. Push it, and it will go nowhere at all."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"I must follow the people. Am I not their leader?"
Benjamin Disraeli

"Smile... A silent MIRACLE."
Written in 1998 by Dr. Satheesh Kumar --- India

"Success will never lower its standard to accommodate us. We have to raise our standard to achieve it."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Nilesh Soni --- India

"Leadership determines the direction of the company. Organization determines the potential of the company. Personnel determine the success of the company."
John Maxwell

Note: Find New Leadership Quotes