Deep Thoughts to Inspire You To Think
"I search for solitude and within that search I find 'me'."
Written in 2015 by Miles Patrick Yohnke --- SK
"Try to see the world through the eyes of a child. Eyes that are not yet cynical or skeptical. Eyes that marvel at everything they see. The lessons we learn from children about life are so much more important than the lessons we teach them. Think happy thoughts."
Submitted by Jagdish Kaviraj --- IND
"Each of us is called to do something in the name of love, to make sure that humanity comes to understand itself and is able to choose love over fear."
Robert Holden --- Submitted by George Wachirah--- KEN
"We can become prisoners of ourselves. One must dig tunnels to escape one's own mind. We get just this one life. We have to stop doing time and live out our lives like we planned in our youth. No matter where we are, or how old, we can always reach for our dreams."
Written in 2015 by Miles Patrick Yohnke --- SK
"I love myself. I believe in myself. I appreciate myself. I'm strict and serious about improving myself. I will not give up on myself. I will not disappoint myself. I will be my best self no matter what."
Submitted by Lauren Covington
"Success is perceptible ... We can touch it, smell it and taste it."
Written in 2015 by Mohammed Sekouty --- EGY
"When the middle is well and good, the past is repaired and the future is prepared."
Written in 2015 by Mable Murray Canty --- SC
Insight on Middle School Education
"I don't get relationships. You enter a person's life because they are fun but then people try to get crazy. You are in it together; both unique but one. I don't understand why people try to change a person. If you try to change them then is not love. Faults are enjoyable to me, it makes a person who they are."
Written in 2015 by Matthew Price
"Don't make excuses, make improvements."
Tyra Banks --- Submitted by Lauren Covington --- NJ
"Don't let the choice that you didn't make weigh you down."
Written in 2015 by Eric Eisenberg --- MO
"Once you realize how valuable you are, you will find it hard to keep the company of those who do not."
Written in 2015 by Brian G. Jett --- KY
"It is not the time which needs to be managed; it is ourselves."
Author Unknown
--- Submitted by Uday Uprety
"I release all things from the past year that has caused any negative attachment. I prepare and welcome new changes, new lessons and new adventures. I welcome new opportunities to grow emotionally, mentally and spiritually."
Submitted by Lauren Covington
"You are what you say and think daily, if only you keep at it. Great men always have a starting point, from their heart via their lips to their lives."
Written in 2015 by Bassey Ndon --- NGA
"It's not enough to buy a tee shirt or some shoes. To change the world you need put on some work boots and pick up a shovel."
Mike Satterfield --- Submitted by J.R. --- CA
"There is only so much that you can do. You can do more than you think you can!! Go out and do it!"
Written by Eric Eisenberg
"In life you will meet someone who captures your heart, mind & soul. You will have feelings you never felt before. Your love for them will outweigh any obstacles. Your heart will never lie to you so don't try to fight what its feeling."
Written in 2014 by Renee Scalfani --- MA
"Love doesn't have any failure. If you win, you will win a heart and if you don't, you will win a life and you'll surely know how to live after. Experiencing the love is important, regardless of its outcome. Open up your heart and experience it again. The last time you won a life and this time you may win a heart."
Written in 2014 by Neda Smaeeli Far --- IRN
"A relationship without true love may blossom and appear nice, but it's for a short period. True love lasts forever, and its foundation is not on sex, but sacrifice."
Written in 2014 by Seth Opoku Korankye --- GHA
Love and true relationships are based on love. True love is based on sacrifice.
"If life becomes hard, soften it with random acts of kindness."
Written in 2014 by Michael Levy --- FL
"I am learning how to walk away from people and situations that threaten my peace of mind, self-respect or my self-worth."
Submitted by Lauren Covington