"It is better to fail with pride than to have never tried."
Mr. Aaron --- Submitted by A.J., Age 16 --- Pennsylvania
My pre-calculus teacher is an amazing man. He understands that his class is terribly difficult, but he is so proud of every student who at least tries to take his course. He reminds us all the time that we should always push ourselves to the limits. He is wonderful. We love you, Mr. Aaron!

"Why do you dance? Why do you breathe? Because I need to! Right back at ya."
Written in 2006 by T.H., Age 15 --- Alberta, Canada

"Use the hurts of the past as a lesson plan for the happiness of your future."
Written in 2006 by W.M., Age 17 --- Washington
I made this up myself. Because I have had a hard past, and when I get stuck in a sticky situation I think back to it. It helps me know that life used to be worse and it keeps me moving forward with my head held a little higher then before!!!

"What we are never changes. Who we are never stops changing."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by B.H., Age 15 --- Connecticut
At times I think I can only be one person, a stereotype. But looking at this quote reminds me that all the confusion trying to find my identity is really useless because deep, deep down I'm happy that I'm the confused teen who really isn't.

"Use your life to touch someone else's!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by C.C., Age 17 --- Texas

"If you stand over a challenge... Believe in yourself. Love yourself. Have Faith in yourself. It doesn't matter how many love you. It doesn't matter how many have faith in you. It doesn't matter HOW many believe in you! You will make it! But if you don't have the faith, love and belief, you won't."
Copyright © 2006 Karoline Rojas
My inspiration was the great Anthony Robbins.

"Life is like a vehicle. When you're born, your parents/guardians are in control of the wheel and they drive you in the direction that they think is best for you. As you age, you learn to take control of the wheel and you discover your own path. We must learn that, "no road in life goes straight", there are always dead ends, u-turns, and breakdowns. Always keep your eyes open for signs on the side of the road you take, because they guide you. And stop every once in a while for gas, oil changes, and rust checks."
Copyright © 2006 Nick Rizzo
The way I relate to this is, when I turned 17, I was invited to go on a church retreat. That retreat changed my life. After so many months, I was invited to work on other retreats for kids 12-16. These retreats are my "gas" in life because the presence of the Lord fills me up to keep me going on my journey in life. Also, the new people I meet are now friends that will last a lifetime. "Oil changes" and "rust checks" to me are the little things I do when I'm not at a retreat, such as going to church to hear the words of God, and individual prayer done at home. And with those, I can continue down the road without breaking down or taking u-turns because the Lord guides me.

"Honesty is the best policy."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Avinash M., Age 14 --- India
People have forgotten this thought. I submitted it to remind everyone.

"You are unique, and if that is not fulfilled then something has been lost."
Martha Graham --- Submitted by Chris B., Age 14 --- Pennsylvania

"The only guy a girl can trust is her Daddy...Guys you have BIG shoes to fill because my DAD will sure be hard to beat!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Yvette U., Age 16 --- Texas
You can have the love of a guy for a week or a couple of months but your dad's love will be everlasting!

"If you live life in fear, you're not living life at all!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Cassandra M., Age 16 --- Kansas
This is the motto I live my life by and it helps get me through the rough time.

"Live your life day by day. You never know when your time will come, so live at every hour, laugh at every minute, and love at every second."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Sarah T. --- Kentucky
I am a basketball player and a track and cross-country runner. Before every race and every game, I think about the strength inside of me, which is more than I will ever know. God has blessed me so much and I will trust in His mighty power to keep me going through everything.

"I'm trying harder every day to view my life as a half-full glass of lemonade."
Written in 2006 by Sunny S., Age 18 --- Kentucky
I made this quote up myself, while writing an English paper on "quotes to live by." I was writing about the quote "when life hands you lemons, make lemonade." I've been through a lot of grief in my life, and the lemon quote makes me think about how I want to live my life. I want to make good out of the bad. And I also want to view my glass "half-full" rather than "half-empty," Therefore I came up with this quote.

"Today's a perfect day. You woke up and you started the day like it was meant to be. Today's perfect!"
Written in 2006 by Trottys, Age 16 --- United Kingdom

Laugh until your body aches,
Cry until you start to shake,
Live like the world is yours to take,
Love as though your heart won't break.
Written in 2006 by Alysia H., Age 14 --- Wisconsin
I wrote this one day, when I was just sitting around. It reminds me to live every day to the fullest and take risks. As long as you are happy, nothing more is important. Tomorrow isn't promised, so make sure you make the best out of today.

"We are all beautiful in our own way."
Written in 2006 by Kevin W., Age 18 --- Ohio

"When pride is lost, you can recover. When love is lost, you'll find another. Make a challenge a great endeavor. Lose yourself; you'll be lost forever."
Copyright © 2006 Kevin Arsenault
This is a bit from something I said to this 8th grade kid when he asked me what he should remember when he got to high school.

"Remember that everyday you're making history."
Written in 2006 by Brandon R., Age 16 --- Michigan

"If you hear people talking about you behind your back, don't act like it's a big deal at all. As a matter of fact, it isn't, because all it means is that you've got a fan club of your very own."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Dioswal J., Age 14 --- Ohio

"I'd rather be different and have fun than be what everyone says is normal and have no fun at all."
Kay Ausland --- Submitted by Emily W., Age 16 --- Minnesota
My Friend says this all the time and it reminds me that you don't have to be what everyone says you should be you should just be yourself and have the time of your life.

"Succeeding demands two things: 1)Thought and 2) Action"
Written in 2006 by Gabe E., Age 16 --- Virginia

"We are the present stars of the future."
Written in 2006 by S.T., Age 15 --- New Jersey

"The good Lord gave you a body that endures almost anything; it's your mind you have to convince."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Keithen H., Age 13 --- Nebraska
This is what I think of when running hard or lifting weights it helps me get better and better everyday.

"Remember, friends are for a lifetime and feelings are just for a moment."
Written in 2006 by Byron M., Age 14
This quote will help you with daily life.

"Dreams only become Reality, when you take Initiative to go after them."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Kimberly. B., Age 15 --- Pennsylvania

"Sometimes life interrupts life."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Ashley M., Age 16 --- Michigan
Sometimes we don't have the control we would like over our lives. Sometimes it's better when we sit back and let things run their course rather than become stressed over things we can't control!

"Do not assume."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Natalie T., Age 15 --- California
I quote, "Like they have any right at all to criticize." No one has a right to criticize or assume anything about another person without knowing them. Make decisions on facts and your own opinions. Give people a chance.

"If you ask yourself why live? Also ask why not live?"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by M.H., Age 15 --- Illinois

"We paint the stars."
Written in 2006 by C.A., Age 14 --- QLD, Australia
This quote is saying that we make the stars, we choose who's going to make it big time. If you work hard you will probably make it.

"Submitting to failure, you won't know success. Learn from it and let it motivate you to do more than to your potential."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by T.H., Age 17 --- California
After having two big failures in my junior year, I look back and realize how much I have burdened myself because I had failed. Life, as always, goes on and you should too. Better working towards the future than working backwards, moping about the past. Let it go...

"Don't look what is, look what can be! Do what you love and love what you do!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Keshav G., Age 16 --- West Bengal, India

"We are all fighting a battle. Whether it is with our hair or the raging motions inside of us, it's that which makes us equal."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Katelin T., Age 15 --- Iowa
When you are down and out, it's hard to remember that other people are going through the exact same thing. This quote is a reminder that, even though we have different problems, we all have problems; that we are not alone.

"To love deeply in one direction makes us more loving in all others."
Anne-Sophie Swetchine --- Submitted by Chris B., Age 14 --- Pennsylvania

"When life begins to be too much on your shoulders, shift the weight to your heart and mind."
Written in 2006 by K.S., Age 13 --- Virginia
I came up with this one with help of a teacher at school because I am chaplain of my school and I do a thought for the day every day.

"I can last two months on a good compliment."
Mark Twain --- Submitted by Yvette U., Age 16 --- Texas

"Keep going! MacNicol didn't take breaks."
Written in 2006 by Jamie MacNicol
This is a great quote for motivation before a big game or just when you hit the gym.

"I had a dream where I asked god for help. When he pointed to help, all I could see was myself."
Written in 2006 by David F., Age 16 --- Michigan