"I regret nothing in my life. Even if my past was full of hurts, I still look back and smile because what I am today is because of my past. It made me stronger and stronger."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Inspired One --- India

"Never lose a day without learning something: encounter your days with availability."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Desmond O., Age 16 --- Nigeria
So I can be prepared.

"Life has many meanings, an endless purpose, unpredictable moments, meaningless points, meaningful moments, but only five words to describe it : The years of a lifetime."
Written in 2011 by Victor S., Age 16 --- Arizona
"The false fronts, the tear-filled raspy whispers in my head reminding me that someday it will get better, and all of the joyful and loving biblical scriptures are not enough to heal this perpetual anxiety.I've lost my feeling; have I had it at all? Have I ever discovered the true feeling of happiness? Or have I lived with a dull contentment?"
Written in 2011 by Madelyn G., Age 18 --- South Carolina
"Sometimes you just need to follow your heart despite any past heartaches. You're not fooling anyone by covering up your feelings. Head vs. heart: The heart always wins."
Written in 2011 by Ariel M., Age 18 --- New Jersey
"Try and fail BUT don't fail to try."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Phenyo M., Age 15 --- South Africa
"It's best to be prepared for an opportunity than to have an opportunity and not be prepared."
Written in 2011 by Siphiwe P., Age 19 ---South Africa
"Always aspire to acquire the desire you admire. When you fire and it backfires, do not retire but re-fire to acquire the desire you admire. Always remember that Fortune favors the brave, be brave and do good."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Emmanuel A., Age 18 --- Nigeria
"Be who you want to be. Don't let people change you or tell you it's wrong to be who are, because simply being different does not make you a freak. It makes you amazingly unique."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Lindsey R., Age 14 --- Maryland
I wanted to put it on here because it is kind of what I live by in life. It's helped me realize that being different is not bad at all.

"Happiness is found along the way, not at the end of the road."
Written in 2011 by Sumit Y., Age 16 --- India

"One resolution I have made and will try to keep is this: TO RISE ABOVE THE LITTLE THINGS."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Inspired One, Age 17 --- India

"I'm not saying that I'm an ice cream aficionado, but I am saying that I know that they come in different flavors; and of which can all melt at some point."
Written in 2011 by Caleb B., Age 18 --- Delaware
It means that one does not need to be politically correct to realize that people of all races and personalities are really the same and can break down at a point.

"There are two kinds of people in the world: those who do the work and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group, there's less competition there."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Erinn F., Age 17 --- Virginia

"To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others, you just need to accept yourself."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Justy M., Age 14 --- South Africa
It really makes me feel more confident about myself and after all, beauty comes from within :)

"The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by J.S.P., Age 17 --- India
"Forget about your dreams because they will never be more then a dream. Focus on your goals and make them happen."
Written in 2011 by Harold M., Age 15 --- California
I came up with this quote one day when my father told me to stop having childish dreams and to start thinking what I was going to do in the near future, and to make my true dreams my goals.
"Once upon a time, we were friends. Remember that time? I don't think you do. The trivial things, the small things, the simple things... Maybe they don't mean a thing to you, but they do to me."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Keiko S., Age 14 --- Japan
"The journey of a perfectionist starts with mistakes."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Daksh C., Age 17 --- India
"Your determination determines your destiny; breaking the genes means becoming a genius. It is not what we see but what we make out of what we saw."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Tom V., Age 15 --- Ghana
"Live for what tomorrow has to offer, not for what yesterday has given up."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Stella J., Age 16 --- Florida
"When life throws you curveballs, all you have to do is adjust your swing."
Written in 2011 by Theresa T., Age 15 --- Canada
This quote can help in so many situations. When something bad happens to you or you face a rough patch in you life, friend troubles, family issues or whatever else, you have to look at the situation with apositive outlook and just think of your situation as the curveball, and what you need to do as adjusting your swing.
"Never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by E.H. --- Age 14 --- Pennsylvania
I submitted this because many people give up so easily but when you can't stop thinking about it you should keep on trying because it's probably worth it.
"I believe success is a journey without a destination... don't expect awards... don't settle for awards."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Desmond O., Age 16 --- Nigeria

"If God wanted me to be someone I was not, then I would not be the person I am today."
Written in 2011 by Chelsea A., Age 15 --- Washington
I believe in who you are is why god made you.

"All power is within you. You can do everything and anything."
Swami Vivekanand --- Submitted by Swati K., Age 18 --- India

"Why help others try to accomplish dreams they don't believe in, when you yourself can accomplish dreams you do believe in?"
Written in 2011 by Nickole P., Age 14 --- New Hampshire
I have always been trying to help them do stuff they really don't care about, and I thought, why can't I help myself do something I do care about?