Problem Solving

Self Help And The Quick Fix

It seems curious to me that the term 'quick fix' is meant to be derogatory.

For myself, I am happy to offer quick fixes. Isn't fast and speedy a big part of what you want? I would have thought so; if the alternative is that it would have to take ages to happen.

So why would anyone want to deliberately emphasize to you that they are NOT offering a quick fix?

My assessment is that people are concentrating on the first part of the phrase, and missing the most important point. How quick or slow something is is nice, but in the end the key factor is whether or not it is really solved.

Describing something as 'quick fix' is a short-hand way for saying that it's a half-baked, or incomplete, or simply masking the problem, but that just means it's not actually a fix of any time, quick or not. The results may take a while to come, but a true fix, means it is solved.

For example, on my self help site there are lots of 'quick fixes'. In fact I'll only offer slow fixes when I don't have quick ones. The emphasis is on the fixing part, and doing what you need to make the changes at the level you need them. Speed is a bonus.

One way to create a fast solution is to get a more fundamental cause of a problem. Sometimes this will mean a solution takes longer, but often it actually makes it all quicker. The solution naturally fits in and works more smoothly.

In part such solutions are rapid because you don't have to redo the changes in many other areas to get the complete resolution.

So if in future you happen to have someone describe something negatively to you as a 'quick fix', then take a second look. If it truly is a fix, and you make up your own mind about that, then you may have well found something worth pursuing to the full.

Copyright © 2008 Dr. Martin W. Russell
As a medical doctor and counselor, Dr Martin W. Russell, works to assist you to turn the efforts you have made toimprove yourself into complete results.

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