Are The Pain And Suffering Inevitable?
Recognizing Unwanted States And Feelings
- What do we do when pain and negative feelings come?
- How can we help ourselves, and set us free from the negative states and accompanying feelings?
Why? We are simply part of the Universe's circles and if we perceive ourselves as something extracted from the Universe, then we'll easily measure our own pain as bigger and more unpleasant that the another one's. However, the Universe is a Unique Entity of which we are all a part of.
To understand pain and suffering, we need to adjust our focus from an individual standpoint to "higher perspective". From that point of view, no matter who experiences greater pain, the Universe grows! And that is the ultimate purpose of the pain in our lives. We grow through our pain, so does the Universe; through us, thus through itself.
When we recognize the negative states and accompanying feelings being around, the natural reaction is, "I'm being miserable, I don't like myself being like that and I'll do something to change that!"
That's fine. We've recognized the unwanted state and made resolution to change it. However, very often we make a simple, but crucial mistake that leads to a failure of our attempt. What's that? We begin to resist the negative feelings, trying to avoid them or replace them by desired ones. Nevertheless, it doesn't work like that.
There is and old saying: "Whatever you try to resist, it persists." Yes, there are methods and techniques, which provide replacement of negative states and feelings with the opposite ones, but by practicing them we take our chances to convert the CAUSE of the unwanted states into trauma.
We can't possibly replace the events that might cause unwanted states and feelings. It's like desiring that Autumn be replaced by Springtime because the former makes us feel blue, and the last one brings some vigor.
When the wind comes, the tree in the field doesn't resist, but follow the wind's pace and moves its trunk accordingly. What would happen if it tried to resist? It would be easily uprooted.
Remember, the Universe has its circles, just like any other entity and we don't have access to the Universe's main switchboard.So, is there anything we can do about it?
Of course there is! Speaking in computer language, maybe you can't ultimately control your BIOS, but you can surely command your operational system.
- Don't resist your negative feelings. Let them be! If you resist and fight them, they'll stay around and come back stronger, again and again. If you let them be as they are, just observing them, and see yourself and "them" as a part of a big circle that MOVES and CHANGES, you'll know that they'll pass through.
- Don't give them a reason to stay. If they are around, there is a reasonfor that. There is a valuable lesson to be learnt out of their existence. Just observe them. Don't even seek an answer. It will come suddenly, when they discharge and go away. If you fight them back, you'll miss the golden opportunity that every adversity brings along. Stay detached, and observe as if it's happening to somebody else. Yes, it is possible. Don't believe me; try it. The Mantra is: Don't resist, observe.
Part Two
Switching To Positive Counterpoint - Next, pay good attention to what happens when the pain and accompanying feelings are gone. This is very important! It's the crucial point of getting in tune with Universe's circles that ARE favorable.
When they are gone, for some valuable moment, there is a void. Speaking in time-space language, for a limited period there is an empty spot in our being that is to be filled with desired content. Pay good attention. If you miss it, it would be probably filled with another unwanted content.
The vacuum is very unstable state. There are happenings going on around all the time, so our energy would be easily, unconsciously attracted and sucked up by something out of our control. - Be alert. Use the void and fill it with something you have burning desire about. Let your imagination run free. Be creative in visualization your goal. See yourself being there, feel what would you feel when you get there, hear the voices and sounds that would be around, smell your success etc.
- Then switch your imaginary viewpoint, and experience the above as you were somebody else seeing you achieving that goal. Then again, return in your own physical/emotional/mental body and notice the difference of two states. It will create an energy flow momentum.
- Another need of careful attention - don't be disappointed of not being there NOW. In order to achieve something, you need to:
- Be (in) the Void (that's the only "place" where the process of Creation could start. Remember: "In the beginning, there was nothing... "),
- Act (create) using it (the Void) as a starting point,
- Achieve in the Space/Time. It means a time is needed for manifestation. However, once there is a single thought of something, it's a matter of time when the material appearance will take place. Being much more inert than the mental one, the physical energy needs more time to flow.
- Be (in) the Void (that's the only "place" where the process of Creation could start. Remember: "In the beginning, there was nothing... "),
- Next and last. Forget about it! Yes, don't try to feed your "creation" by adding more and more attention to the final goal. Instead, recognize the variety of opportunities that would come and fit in your path.
Don't discard or neglect any of them. Investigate them, use them, test them and keep a record of them. Each one that's coming around has a purpose.
By the way, following the context... Thomas Edison had allegedly tried 10,000 materials as filaments for his invention, the electric light bulb. Failure? Only if you see the things extracted from the Whole and within a limited timeframe. I suggest that this is not the wisest way to see things.
So, instead of the goal, focus on the Journey. When you succeed, you'll notice a strange phenomena - the Journey has provided more satisfaction and excitement than the achievement itself.
Then, there is another golden opportunity that you will not want to miss - that's the exact moment to set yourself another goal, a higher, more precious one. By practicing this strategy over and over again, you'll eventually see yourself setting goals specific for higher self and purpose than your physical/emotional/mental self. Embrace the insight to the purpose of your existence there. You'll know the Journey has been worth walking it.
"Success is like happiness, cannot be pursued. It must ensue. And it only does so as the unintended side effect of one's personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself."
--- Victor Frankl
The pain is inevitable, but the suffering is optional.
Copyright © 2003 Mitko Keramitchiev --- Skopje, Macedonia