What Every Human Wants..
To Be Loved and Appreciated

I Want

I want to give you flowers.
I want to give you my love.
I want to share with you my feelings.
I want to tell you my story.
I want to feel you near to me.
I want to share my days with you.
I want to share my loneliness.
I want to share my happiness.

I want to show you the trees in spring.
I want to show you the fields in winter.
I want to dance on the wind.
I want to sing in the sunshine.
I want to show you the waterfalls.
I want to walk barefoot in the rain.
I want to sit on top of the mountains.

I want.
I want to give you roses.
I want to laugh with you.
I want to cry with you.
I want to breathe the air with you.
I want to spend my years with you.
I want to go on holidays with you.
I want to grow old with you.

I want you.
I want your love.
I want your thoughts.
I want your warmth.
I want to be needed.
I want our love, to grow strong.
I want our children to grow tall.
Through our love,
Through our devotion,
Through our examples.

I want so much.
I want to live next to God.
I want to serve Him.
I want to obey Him.
I want to do these things with you.
I want to do these things with our children.
I want all these things
Because I am human.
I have needs and wants
Like everybody else.
I am me.

Written in 1998 by Chris Putter --- South Africa

Stories From 1998

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