Kept myself educated and learned to train my mind...
So that one day my greatness would shine...
Too many people underestimated my ability and intellect...
That was no problem for me because I conquered every obstacle met...

Now faced with hardships unbearable to face...
Don't know how to rise again, so I just sat down and prayed...
I knew that the day would come when I would surely fail...
Never knew that I would sink this low and feel so frail...

After surviving all the years of hurt and pain...
My strength and determination would prevail through the rain...
Still difficult to climb that hill...
But my will is too great to stay still...

When all the dust settles and all the smoke clears...
I will emerge back on top higher than I have been in the past years...
For I have faith in myself and that's all one needs...
To live in this world where it's difficult to succeed...

So when you feel like there's no hope and want to give up...
Fight with your heart, mind, and soul and I guarantee
You'll also reach the top...

Copyright © 2002 Luke Tyson

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