Remember 11, - Page 5

... and those they left behind
"Grief can't be shared. Everyone carries it alone, his own burden, his own way."
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
September 11, 2009"9-11 is what brought you and I together, we will never forget but find better ways to remember. Though we cannot collectively go back in time to make this go away we can all pull together to avert the horror of non-human act from happening again!
As I remember being on Ground Zero I remember the Hurt, Anger and Disbelief, but most of all I remember my comrades both fallen and dedicated survivors that were not just Americans, but were BROTHERS, bonds that will never be broken even though I may never run into them again. But believe me if I do they command a salute and a heart felt hug because I was there for them, and them for me...and we were there for all Americans!
Never let a day go by without service to your fellow man; we owe that to the victims, we owe that to ourselves!!!! Live, Love & Laugh and do it for real for tomorrow can always be a better place for us, our children and our Country!"
Robert P. Mitchell --- New Jersey
February 17, 2003I would like to dedicate this attached poem to all 9/11 victims and all the volunteers who gave their time and effort.
Buildings crumbled to the ground, hearts broken in two
Cities scrambling all around not knowing what to do.
Planes exploding into a mass of fire, people trying to flee
Skies filled with clouds of smoke and grounds flooded with debris.
Tears flowing like the river, sirens screaming about
Reporters pushing their way through, seeing what they can find out.
Fire fighters and policemen rushing in risking their lives
Instant orphaned children and widowed husbands and wives.
Airplanes are all grounded, amusement parks and sports shut down
America at a standstill with an emptiness all around.
Panic sweeping the nations along with fear and shock
Americans trying to pull together, rescue missions working around the clock.
Thousands of people giving their blood, sitting in lines for hours
Showing their support nationwide and reminding us of our power.
Volunteers giving their time, churches gathering for prayer
Medical assistance and other aids are out there showing they care.
Wave your flags America and lets all pray together
We will rebuild our nation and we'll be stronger than ever:
"God bless America, this Land of the Free
And God please bless these victims and all their families.
God bless our children too young to understand
And God bless our government to approach this with the right plan.
God bless our emotions that we react in the right way
God bless us all to learn to face today.
God bless our volunteers and all the time they give
God bless the injured to keep the desire to live.
God bless our enemy and the anger America has gained.
And God whatever you do, please take away this pain!
God, as you're looking down on us from Heaven above
Please bless America - this country we dearly love."
Copyright © 2002 Sherri Stanczak
February 17, 2003How many Angels soared that day
Lifting up souls to Heaven?
How many hearts were left to ache
On Tuesday, September eleven.
For those who have bled.
For those who have cried.
For the Heroes that gave.
For all who have died.
Makes no difference at all
What color or creed.
We all know what to do.
We all know what we need.
Be ye not bowed down.
Stand up now with pride.
Look onward and upward.
Let God be our guide.
We are the people!
The great and the small!
We are America!
We'll not let her fall.
She cannot be tumbled
Like metal and stone.
We must join together.
Can't be done alone.
Hearts trembling, we gazed
At the horrific sight.
Lady Liberty hidden.
In a shroud like the night.
Then came the silence..
A deafening sound....
As the last piece of mortar
Fell to the ground.
The silence is broken.
We now hear a faint yell...
From the wounded and dying
Out of that pit of hell.
Is Our Flag still flying?
How many have died?
Too many! Too many!
From tyrants that hide.
'Neath the skirt of religion,
They crawled out from under.
In the name of our God...
They've created this thunder!
"Oh say can you see?
Have we lost any ground?"
"Oh no!" cried our hearts...
"Our patriotism found!"
For the death of the many, the pain of the loss of those that have been left behind, and the wounded and maimed who shall wear their scars forever on their bodies and in their hearts. I shall pray that this atrocity shall never happen again, and that our Government will seek forever for those who have the audacity to teach their young men that to die in such a manner, and take so many innocent lives with them in the name of religion, is not FOR God but AGAINST all His teachings.
Copyright © 2002 Carol Bouche' Ottlinger --- 'Song of Joy'
January 17, 2003I wrote this poem regarding the September 11 attacks. I wrote it with my heart and soul and to this day Iread it with great pride and joy for living in a country so grand as this. And so to all those who think, gee I live in a country of bums and everyone who lives here knows nothing but how to fight, you're wrong. After reading this poem, it might change your mind about our nation. I would like to dedicate this poem to all the students who attend my school and especially my English teacher, Mrs. Grimm!
As we become united we will stand,
All together hand in hand.
For all the victims whom lost their life,
We will be brave,
We won't think twice.
So when they ask me, "Who are you?"
I reply, "I'm American, through and through."
Ask them to join us,
To stand so strong.
And help us sing,
Our nation's song.
And when they ask, "How do you fight?"
We reply, "With all our might!"
And when they ask you, "Who are you?"
Just say, "I'm American, through and through!"
Our nation's song,
We'll sing so loud!
All together,
In just one crowd.
No more fighting,
No more tears.
All together,
For the rest of our years.
And we they ask me, "Who are you?"
I just say, "I'm American. What about you?"
Copyright © 2002 Amber Lynn Renicker