"Talent is God-given.....be thankful;
Praise is man-given.....be humble;
Success is self-given.....be careful."
Tony Dungy, Indianapolis Colts --- Submitted by Scott Franzose --- Maine
I heard coach Dungy use this quote when he was with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and it's always stayedwith me. Be thankful for talents, for they are truly gifts from God.....be humble of praise from others, forthey are only words.....and above all, be careful when judging oneself, for only you can truly determine the extent of your success.

"Faith + Hard Work = MIRACLE"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Nancy Tan --- Singapore

"To be happy is to be happy to be."
Copyright © 1999 Sonny Melendrez

"If it weren't for the rocks in the bed, the stream would have no song."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Betty Simmons --- Kansas
This has given me much motivation through the years

"I never painted dreams.
I painted my own reality."
Frida Kahlo - (1907-1954) Mexican Painter

"Do not turn back when you are just at the goal."
Pubilius Syrus - (43 BC)

"If the winds of fortune are temporarily blowing against you, remember that you can harness them and make them carry you toward your definite purpose, through the use of your imagination."
Napoleon Hill

"As is our confidence, so is our capacity."
William Hazlitt

"Anything is possible to overcome if you learn from your failures and believe in yourself."
Copyright © 2003 Carson Nemoto

"Let up for a second and that is where you will finish."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Eric Horde --- Florida

"Change is the result of action. Action is the result of an idea."
Copyright © 2001 Dune Patten
In this new century, we as artists must proceed from that which is real and true to the life of the Spirit.

"Perfecting the past blurs your focus of the future."
Copyright © 2003 Marvin Davis

"True motivation comes from within - from the willingness to see a dream fulfilled - from the desire to leave the world better than you found it."
Copyright © 2003 Steve Brunkhorst

"Be committed to your dreams, rather than to your fears."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Malik Mansoor --- Hyd, AP, India

"Are you going to focus on your fears or on your goals?"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Nicole A. --- Massachusetts
One of my high school teachers would always say this to her students. I always think of this quote and always try to reach my goals.

"One who doesn't make mistakes doesn't make anything."
English Proverb --- Submitted by Misty Ganser --- Wisconsin
I found this quote on the Internet and it helped me to realize that every one of us makes mistakes. Although it isn't about the mistake(s); it's about what you learn from the mistake(s) and how you use what you learn from the mistake(s) in your life that counts.

"If I listened to what everyone else told me to do, my life would be bits and pieces of everyone else's life, rather than my own!"
Written in 1973 by D. Cunningham

"The divorce between thought and action leaves you subjugated."
Copyright © 2003 Muni Raju AV

"The toughest opponent you will ever face is the fear within. Once you conquer that opponent, you can conquer the world!"
Coach Galvan --- Submitted by Rodrigo Galvan --- Illinois

"Pride is a personal commitment; it is an attitude which separates excellence from mediocrity."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Jason M. --- Indiana

"The difference between postponement and achievement....is fulfillment."
Copyright © 2003 Elaine Pawson

"In the middle of every ocean of difficulty is an island of opportunity."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Ryan C. --- Wisconsin

"The fruit is ripe and on the tree. It's up to you to pick it!"
Copyright © 2002 Shaunic Stinson

"Champions are made when no one is watching."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Jim B., Age 16 --- Maryland, United States
Basically says that no one sees the hard work and dedication of a champion, all they see is the final product. Also shows that anyone can reach their goals, even if no one believes in them but themselves.

"If today you're nothing, then tomorrow you'll be something."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Philidor Larispique --- Connecticut

"If he can do it, then I can do it!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Carlos Pryor --- California