"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. However, you may have to work for it. In everything you do, always give a hundred percent and you'll never have to second guess yourself. Your work is to discover your work and then, with all your heart, to give yourself to it. Apply yourself. Get all the education you can, but by then do something."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Terrie Chua --- Philippines
As a manager, my main goal is to always enhance skills and mindset of my team. I don't tend to micro-manage, but values are things I make sure that I'm hands on with. I value the word HARDWORKING since I also started from humble beginnings in this (call center) industry. It was 99% hard work, perseverance, diligence, willingness to learn more, and 1% luck. I always teach my team that we can't get from point A to point B if we don't lift a finger. We should trust ourselves to be able to make things happen or commit mistakes along the way, but learn from it in the process. With this, we are sure of success.

"Success was not designed to be easy. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it."
Written in 2003 by Greg T. Sirpis --- Maine

"Let the fire of cowardliness light the candle of success."
Written in 2006 by Noble Jeba Kumar --- India
It's a quote that comes from my real life experience.

"Every person born into this world is a winner. When you think of the thousands of little sperm swimming upstream, and the first one to arrive at the finish line is a champion, and that is you."
Copyright © 1981 Nancy Fay Wright
I told this to each of my children when they hit a rough time in their life.

"How bad you want something is determined by how far and how hard you are willing to push yourself to reach it."
Copyright © 2005 Traci L. Connelly

"It's not to prove wrong the many that said you couldn't do it. It's to prove right the few that said you can."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Somil Parikh --- Pennsylvania

"The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win."
Roger Bannister

"To succeed...You need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you."
Tony Dorsett

"Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance."
Samuel Johnson

"Do not trick yourself into thinking you are great; just simply know that you are already great."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by P. Fridley --- Texas

"If you try, you've tried. If you fail, you've failed. But at least you've tried and failed, rather than failed at trying."
Written in 2006 by Jeff Mulock --- California
Thanks Keith, for the early morning wake up that inspired me.

"Courage is not about the strength to go on; it's going on when you don't have the strength."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Ankit M. --- India

"Your dream is a reality that is just waiting for you to materialize it."
Copyright © 2006 Steve Maraboli

"Dreaming is the first step to success. Whatever invention we see today, was nothing but the result of someone's dream. So a dream, interpreted into action, is an invention."
Written in 2006 by Dip Bhattacharjee --- India
These lines are my own creation. Dip.

"The future is the courage you take today... and the fear you leave behind is yesterday."
Alicia Lampinen --- Submitted by Jourdan W. --- Jamaica
Alicia is one of my closest friends. When she told me this, I was inspired to not let my fears keep me back from my potential.

"You see the heart is a strange part of the body. It knows no end when searching for that goal in my mind, that special person or even that dream beyond ourselves. Even if the mind gives up, the heart will continue to beat on and continue to search even long after we say to ourselves, we give up. Use the heart. For it will give you strength, when you have none, the will, to remind you why you started and love for what you are doing when passion is not enough. As long as we are breathing, the heart beats on. If it refuses to give up...then why should we?"
Copyright © 2006 Samuel K. Aidoo

"I never see failure as failure but only as the game I must play to win."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Fearless AC --- Texas
Never quit! Always follow your dreams and keep on keeping on.

"Don't worry about tomorrow; do planning & you will succeed."
Copyright © 2004 Paul Bhushan

"Leadership is creating parts for others to follow, not following the parts others created."
Written in 2006 by Balogun M. Adewale --- Nigeria

"The willow knows what the storm does not: that the power to endure harm outlives the power to inflict it."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Aylwin Khalon --- Australia

"An idea is like an arrow. All it needs is a focused approach coupled with a clear insight to make a mark."
Written in 2006 by Pritesh Jethwani --- India

"I started with nothing and still have a little left over."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Carina C. --- Washington

"I am better today than yesterday, but not as good as tomorrow."
Written in 2006 by David M. Anderson --- Wyoming

"In the fullness of time, the egg of perseverance and persistence shall bear forth its golden chicks."
Written in 2006 by Safianu Ado Ibrahim --- Nigeria

"Why fit in, when you were born to stand out?"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by C.J. --- England

"Always remember that you are your best advocate and you and you alone will take you on the most powerful ride of your life."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Christine Corlett --- Michigan

"People says you can't but you know you can; let the fear inside you turn into great motivation."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Lokesh Rao --- India