"Ignorance is the greatest dream snatcher. It's very expensive. So grab the broom of truth and sweep away the obstacle of ignorance. Keep your dream alive."
Written in 2013 by Deborah Bias --- Maryland
The quote motivates me to try to fight ignorance.

"The thought of wanting something so badly and knowing I have to climb mountains and jump over hurdles to get it is so exciting to me. It gives me a thrill to know that the end result will be very rewarding, and that is what keeps me going."
Written in 2013 by Kae Murray --- St. Kitts-Nevis

"Dream about your future and have faith in your dream because yesterday's science fiction is today's reality."
Written in 2013 by Harsha R. --- India

You can be successful - just do it!

Submitted by Lauren Covington

"When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Destiny Ifyo --- Nigeria
Because it's nothing but the simple truth.

"Sometimes you have to be a little bit selfish. Take care of yourself first. If you spend all of your time on everyone else, then you won't have enough time to spend on yourself. If you don't spend any time on yourself, then you cut your time here short. Then what?"
Written in 2013 by Eric Eisenberg --- Missouri
People who spend a lot of time trying to help others feel bad when it comes to working on themselves. They get depressed, they gain weight and they get sick. Take care of yourself first.

"Dream Big like the Atlantic Ocean but remember to always swim away from the sharks of mediocrity."
Written in 2013 by Felix Hollopo Opaleye --- Nigeria
Dreams do come true but the spirit of mediocrity lower the potentials of positive dreamers.

There are no limits - Micheal Phelps

Submitted by Lauren Covington

"Success may not come as quickly as you often expect it but never give up for you are meant to persist & persevere until you succeed."
Written in 2013 by Emeasoba George

"The moment you're ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens. Don't give up."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Cynthia Farina

"There is no reward so great as having the courage to be happy."
Sara Ann Neil

"Are you in a Civil War against your own body? In this case you are the one who provides the ammunition for both sides. Sit on your ass and you will be overrun. Provide unhealthy food and you will lose the war. Lose this war and be confined to the limits that you have created. Put your body under siege with exercise and provide healthy food and you will be Victorious. With Victory comes the spoils; a healthy, happier life without being confined by limits."
Written in 2013 by Eric Eisenberg --- Missouri

I will succeed, no matter what!

Submitted by Lauren Covington

"Success is not based on miracles but on concrete principles. The word I 'CAN'T' is too short a word, but its devastating effect is as long as Mississippi."
Written in 2013 by Eze Patrick --- Nigeria

"Thank God for the alphabet! If I had stuck to just plan 'b', I wouldn't have made it."
Written in 2013 by Jonathan Simango --- Zimbabwe
If plan 'a' fails, try another...

"Believing in yourself is not just for you; it's for every person who touched your life in a significant way and for every person your life will touch the same way, five minutes from now, or five centuries from now."
Jaye Miller --- Submitted by George Wachirah --- Kenya

"I will awake every day knowing, that as soon as my feet touch the ground, that what I make of it, is up to me. I will not expect anything from anyone. I will give - with no intentions of receiving. I will listen when someone just needs to talk. I will smile at a stranger. I will be accepting of challenges. I will accept change. I will love myself and others. I will laugh when I want to cry and smile when I want to frown. I will live each day like no other. This day belongs to me. I will value each day that I am given. I WILL make a difference. I will LIVE my life and enjoy day at a time."
Copyright © 2013 Spencer Chapman
Trying to do the right thing and live by my principles on a daily basis; progress not perfection.

Everything comes to us that belongs to us if we create the capacity to receive it.

Submitted By Cynthia Farina

"The common conception is that motivation leads to action, but the reverse is true - action precedes motivation. You have to 'prime the pump' and get the juice flowing, which motivates you to work on your goals. Getting momentum going is the most difficult part of the job, and often taking the first step is enough to prompt you to make the best of your day."
Robert McKain --- Submitted by Lauren Covington --- New Jersey

"Going to the top, you need to... Take UP challenge... Wake UP early... Dress UP in good clothes... Hurry UP to meet your customers or interview... Speak UP when speaking... but make sure you...don't give UP because then... people will Stand UP for the champion."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Juliet Gift --- Nigeria

"Success is an inner energy; only winners can release it."
Written in 2013 by Mohammed Sekouty --- Egypt
Release your inner energy.

Failure is not a bad thing. It is part of Success - see the chart
Submitted by Lauren Covington

"Winners find a way to win; where others see obstacles they see opportunity. There is not a lot of talk of what could have been or what should be done; the emphasis is on now, being in the moment getting it done. Winners fall and fail but they get up and go back at it without hesitation. They learn from failures and mistakes and apply those lessons to achieve future success. Winning can be learned. Eliminate the negative, and above all practice the habits of a winner. It is a choice; make a choice to be the best and act on it now."
Vern Gamgbetta --- Submitted by Lauren Covington

"My promise to myself and the people that I train with: I promise to make you fail, in order to make you better, if you promise not to quit."
Written in 2013 by Eric Eisenberg
Finding a Training Partner is not easy when you are looking to kick your own ass and need someone who is willing to work just as hard as you will. The best way to improve is to work until you fail and then to get up and continue working. You might fail 6 or 7 times on one set, but if you keep getting up and don't quit you will succeed. My current training partner is a Running Back for the St. Louis Rams, named Chase Reynolds. Neither of us quit, but we fail several times a day. This isn't just about training. It's about Life.

"I keep pushing on with effort to my dreams; my talents speak little of my empty wallet. Don't give up on trying to reach the pole of achievements; success gave me a life sentence in a wilderness of prosperity."
Written in 2013 by Felix Hollopo Opaleye

"Never be intimidated by someone else's success; let their success inspire you."
Written in 2013 by Fadipe Oluwaseun

"The best bridge between failure and success is determination."
Author Unknown ---Submitted by Deborah Bias --- Maryland
The quote inspires me to be determined.

Motivational Quote - You Can Do This

"The first and the most important step towards success is the feeling that we can succeed. Success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, desperation, perspiration, and inspiration."
Shubham --- Submitted by Mayuresh Rajkumar --- India

"Success is always achievable when failure is not an option."
Michaelle H. Knight --- Submitted by her Mom, Mary
Michaelle is my daughter and she was preparing to teach a motivational class for "At Risk" youths who have been in the foster care system. This thought came to her as she was preparing her presentation. I found it incredibly profound and thought to share it with others.

"Confidence is not when you know all the answers, confidence is when you are ready for all the questions."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Ajay Silmana --- India

"Be part of the solution, never the problem; be part of a creation, never of a submission. Life's too short for people to hold you back. Be a part of an enterprise but never of a compromise."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Oscar Alva
The only thing that lies between you and your dreams is your belief and self-confidence. Don't ever allow other people to choose your dreams or make you work for theirs. Live life today as if it were your last, live life only on your terms.

Note: New Motivational Quotes


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