"Powerful Quotes About Success and Failure"

"Now is the time... if you want to make a difference in the world, now is the time. Don't be fooled into thinking you should wait until you are older or wiser or more secure because it doesn't work that way. The wisdom will come. The security will come. But first you must begin."
Ron Atchison --- Submitted by George Wachira --- Kenya

"The way you see me today is not going to be the way you will see me tomorrow because there is a victory to be won!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Nephawe Mbavhalelo --- South Africa
I came from a disadvantaged family. When I was in school I use to say, "Only time will tell and things are not going to be the same."

"There will always be a time and a place for you to shine. Do not miss out on that moment when it comes."
Written in 2009 by Laura Lyseight --- United Kingdom

"They'll tell you, 'Quit now, you'll never make it.' If you disregard that advice, you'll be halfway there."
David Zucker

"Don't be afraid to fail. Get out there and experiment and learn and fail and get a rate based on the experiences you have. Go for it and when you go for it you'll learn what you're capable of, what the potential is, where the opportunities are, but you can't be afraid to fail because that's when you learn."
Michael Dell

"I don't fear failure. I only fear the slowing up of the engine inside of me which is pounding, saying, 'Keep going, someone must be on top, why not you?'"
General George S. Patton

"Life doesn't deal the hand you want, it deals the hand you need. Whether you believe it, accept it, want it or not, it is what it is. Be content with your own hand. STOP trying to rush life, just let it happen. Learn to live out the life dealt. What will be, will be!"
Copyright © 2010 Antonio Talbert
Live Loving and Loving Life with no regrets!

"Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict."
William Ellery Channing --- Submitted by Narayan T.V. --- India

"Remember behind every gray sky, with clouds, is the sun shining and ready to peak through those clouds!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Laura Coventry --- Illinois
Never give up; be patient and your life will improve!

"Perseverance means staying in the fight and refusing to give up. It empowers you, so you should stop feeling like a victim of circumstances. It builds your confidence that becomes a tool you automatically use. Someone said the nose of the bulldog is slanted backwards, so he can keep breathing without letting go."
Copyright © 2010 Stanley Anukege --- Nigeria
Don't give up, folks.

"However heavy the odds against you or however difficult the circumstances, you should never accept defeat but continue working until you achieve what you seek to attain in life."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Natarajan Jambunathan --- India

"If and how it is possible in our minds, then is when it is indeed possible in reality."
Copyright © 2010 Jorge Yinat
All is physically possible in our world as conceived by the human mind.

"Failure is NOT an option. Remind yourself of this daily in everything that you do."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Felesha Williamson
I had to remind myself of this every day for 2 years of nursing school!

"Your background does not dictate your future; live your life the way you want to."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by T.B. Ntsane --- South Africa
Relevant to my situation

Broken Wings

I have overpowered the silver lining with my bruised wings
I know the luster of the sunshine would heal me
My nest is almost on the verge of collapsing
I know my broken wings wouldn't give up
To gather the twigs again
My slashed wings ache when I fly
Yet I continue

Something beyond the dense haze constantly lures me
I bleed quite often
But I can't settle feeling small for the sake of luxury
I shall soar
For my limits are limitless
I don't mind my stings nor the broken wings!
Copyright © 2009 Bistriti Poddar
This is extremely motivational, don't get swayed by the title, it has tremendous power within! Read it to realize it!

"Individuality speaks the words of the soul; a blueprint specific to one's path in life. It is defined in more ways then just how one dresses and goes far deeper than the unique characteristics of one's superficial self. Though it is very easy to be persuaded by the thoughts and dreams of someone else, the only outcome in that is losing one's self completely. It is always best to create your own footprints on this world than try to follow and fill the footprints left by others. There is nothing extraordinary about choosing the path of least resistance; the road is crowded and the outcome is common! Success is never rewarding if you ride the coat tails of another's aspirations. There is no harm in collective thoughts or a shared dream as long as the journey is an individual one and it is in harmony with your spirit. Commit to staying true to whoever you are, whatever you believe, and wherever you dream of being!"
Copyright © 2009 Adrina Beaumont

"The past is gone so it cannot be undone; all we can do is learn from it to help for a better future which is yet to come. A New Year is another new beginning and new directions to follow where you are destined to be."
Copyright © 2009 Marita Manalo Domingo

"Motivation is like the fuel that powers automobiles. An automobile is just a piece of scrap without fuel. Fill it with the correct quantity of fuel, top it up with the right quality of engine oil and you have it working at maximum efficiency. A man that lacks motivation is dry, without the energy to challenge anything. Just like a car cannot move by itself to the filling station, every man needs someone to motivate him. With a good dose of daily motivation, any man is on the right path to unleash the strength within him. Motivate yourself for success."
Written in 2009 by Tony Ewa --- Nigeria

"The best moment in life is when you start believing in yourself."
Written in 2010 by Ranjit Singh Chadha --- India
Last year was a great learning experience, putting broken pieces together, dreams shattered, trying to do more than expectations. In the end, stressed; burned out. So today I decided to follow my heart, focus on things, and give quality time. I managed to make everything, everything on time and was happy to achieve it. The above mentioned quote came to my mind and I have put it where it should be. I have started to believe in myself ... I'll share my experiences as I go further in life everyday, whenever something worth sharing comes.

"You should not wait; the time will never be 'just right'. Start where you are, work with whatever is at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along."
Written in 2010 by Ybonette Gonzales --- Philippines

"Open every door of opportunity, and if it appears to be locked, kick it down."
Written in 2010 by Heather Stewart --- California
Too often we see an opportunity but with that usually comes an obstacle. Don't let those obstacles or "locked doors" keep you from seeing where that opportunity can take you.

"You might not have been born with a silver spoon but definitely you were born with a golden mind. Therefore, say this often: My MIND needs to be MINED so that the GOLD MINE will be MINE."
Copyright © 2009 Kunle Faniyan
This inspires me because everyone has hidden potential that needs to be awakened.

"Your real work is to decide what you want and then to focus on it. For it is through focusing on what you want that you will attract it. That is the process of creating."
Esther Hicks --- Submitted by Lauren Covington --- New Jersey

"We learn more about ourselves when we fail...so, don't be afraid of failing. Failure is a part of the long process of success. People who do not fail are those who do nothing."
Robert T. Kiyosaki --- Submitted by Lindokuhle Mkhwanazi
I just feel that there is a need to encourage those with a vision that seems insurmountable by comparison with the challenges faced.

"Opportunity is the key to open the door of the Hall of Fame. After opening it with the keywords "I CAN" and pursuing the concrete set of goals with self-confidence and perseverance, you will find the VICTORY chair to relax and enjoy."
Written in 2009 by Eswaran Ramakrishnan --- India


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