"The journey in progress is already written. The Author is Infinite. Your capabilities are endless, within His Prayer."
Copyright © 2008 Donna Avvento
As bleak as it looks to us, there is always room for correction and change. Asking in prayer does more than we will ever know in this "present" time, of now.

"Values can give you success but success alone cannot give you values and only values can make your life worth living."
Written in 2008 by Deepak Pandit --- India
This is from my soul

"The healing hands of the Lord are open to those who believe and are faithful to receive. Open your heart, mind and soul to the possibilities and unique qualities life has to offer. Prepare yourself for change. Do not think this to be strange but rather a directed path ordained from the Lord. Change is always good. This change will be better than any other you've witnessed."
Copyright © 2008 Antonio Talbert
Accept change in every way of your life. It helps and heals the outer layers of the soul.

"In the game of life, winning is neither magical nor automatic. It is a conscious effort geared towards a defined goal. You don't win by a twist of fate, rather, you win by faith in your creator."
Written in 2008 by Paul M. Bassey --- Nigeria

"Goals give life purpose. Love gives life meaning."
Written in 2007 by Darryl Wilson
I believe this is an important message for reflection that is inspirational in this disheartened society of failed marriages.

"God is willing to help you if you are willing to help yourself."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Larispique Philidor --- Connecticut

"Changing the world begins with the very personal process of changing yourself, the only place you can begin is where you are, and the only time you can begin is always now."
Gary Zukav

"Don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was."
Richard L. Evans

"The most important idea is that it's not as easy to open up to spiritual experience, as we would like. There are some psychological breakthroughs that need to happen. Learning how not to control others and how not to control our lives so intensely are two of those breakthroughs. We have to let go."
James Redfield

"Every chosen path that comes your way is what makes your life interesting."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Rochelle Sison --- California

"Always remember, if God has created a problem/impossible situation, he surely must have made a solution for it. It is up to us to seek, find and use that solution.... He wants us to do that! This is our devotion to Him. So, let's turn all the impossible of our lives into possible. Believe me, it is Possible..."
Written in 2008 by Ravi Datt --- India

"When we can't see ahead, we can remember what God has already done for us and know that He didn't bring us this far to fail us, now."
Copyright © 2008 Joyce C. Lock

"You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers. In every moment of our existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices."
Deepak Chopra

"The path to enlightenment is not always well lit, but it becomes brighter with each step."
Copyright © 2007 Samantha Pickreign

"A smile is the music of soul. It's god's gift so, keep smiling and lighten your worries."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Mahesh D.V. --- India


My Children
My sunshine
Forever with me

You shine so brightly
In good and bad times

A light so bright
I will never
Lose my way
To your hearts...
Copyright © 2007 Vivian Alyce Meredith

"Our wishes are presentiments of the abilities that lie in us, harbingers of what we will be able to accomplish."
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

"As I grow older, part of my emotional survival plan must be to actively seek inspiration instead of passively waiting for it to find me."
Bebe Moore Campbell

"A soul anchored in faith, shall not go astray during the storm."
Copyright © 2008 Nank'Kya Brice
I wrote this quote as a reminder that many storms will come raging through your life but you have to stand fast and believe in whatever is in your heart. And you shall not get caught up by the storm.

"Many times our problems are our programs to our progress."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Benedict Vukona --- South Africa
I have realized that in every problem there is always reward and the reward is our progress.

"Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature."
St. Augustine

"I have a heart with room for every joy."
P.J. Bailey --- Submitted by Taylor J. --- Oklahoma

"Anyone can live without motivation, but you live your best when you are inspired."
Written in 2007 by Allen Steble --- Australia

"Sacrifice what you want, for what you desire."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Syrenna Key --- Missouri
There are so many things you could want to do in this life, but often a lot of those things keep you from ever doing the things or achieving what your heart desires most. Sacrificing the things you want, for what you truly desire, will bring you the most happiness!!