"When you sit at the top, everything looks small. Think how small you are for the one who is sitting above the clouds. Hence, help those who need you; you will be looked upon by Him."
Written in 2013 by Vivek Verma
"Sometimes when I am upset, at that time I think: Who am I????? Why me????? At that time my heart says: You are much more; strong, as compare to all people of the world. And my god says: You are mychild so get up and go; world's best success is waiting for you ... so my dear friend, get up and do your best because today is your day ...."
Written in 2013 by Nipa Bhadrecha
Me & my thoughts...
"The greatest gift that you could ever give to another is your own happiness. For when you are in a state of joy, happiness, or appreciation, you are fully connected to the stream of pure, positiveSource Energy that is truly who you are. And when you are in that state of connection, anything or anyone that you are holding as your object of attention benefits from your attention."
Esther Hicks --- Submitted by Lauren Covington
"Each day of our lives we should be depositing positive things into the lives of the people around us. At the end of this journey we should have made many more deposits than withdrawals. We should begiving much more than taking. You don't want to leave this world in the "red"."
Written in 2013 by Janice Harris

"Everyone makes a difference. Someone who does something for others makes a big and good difference. A person who has no self-interest to do things for others makes a bigger and better difference. But,one who does everything for everyone, for the sake of humanity without vested interest, makes the biggest real difference for the best sustainability."
Written in 2013 by Anuj Somany
Unselfish work and service is majestically and mysteriously miraculous in nature to give the doer positive motivation and inspiration.
"When God is with me who can be against me?"
Author Unknown ---Submitted by Jeet Agrawal
"If God can work through me, he can work through anyone."
St. Francis of Assisi - Submitted by Jagdish Kaviraj
"Live to leave behind you positive legacies that will outlive you because surely, you will be gone someday, no matter who/ what you are currently. Oh yes, no human lives forever including you. As a matterof fact, we all are here on earth for a while. Now that is a reasonable reason why you should strive to leave behind you positive legacies that will be speaking for you, years after your demise."
Written in 2013 by Emeasoba George
This is worth meditating on individually, isn't it?
"Infinity does not lie in the outside but it is within a man - the most wonderful and unfathomable creation of God. In the course of transformation of life power into the God without form, the life poweris transformed into the geometrical point of Euclid and infinity lies beyond the point. It is a point about which Buddha spoke while he was interrogated on his deathbed. It is the great "Is" (Asti) of the Vedas."
Sri Jibankrishna(Diamond) --- Submitted by Dipak Pramanik
From own experience by the grace of Jibankrishna or Diamond the holy ghost.
"Kindness should not be an option, but a lifestyle."
Written in 2013 by Don Tholen
"When someone puts you down, pray for them and God will raise both of you up."
Written in 2013 by David Robinson
Makes you think doesn't it?
"When passionate love turns into compassionate love, then you know your heart has found resolve."
Written in 2013 by Holly Kurasz
"It's not your circumstance but the knowledge that you are safe in His hands, shielded and protected. After the loss of a loved one, I am full of hope and anticipation knowing He will guide me. And asI continue to depend on His guidance, I smile."
Written in 2013 by Janice Harris
"I do not want to just live in the world. I want to live in the hearts and the minds of others who are living in the world."
Written in 2013 Shaikh Basheer
I have selected this one because it helps me to encourage myself to spend my life for my students because "education is my profession" (meaning I am a teacher).
Note: This Month's Inspirational Quotes