"You are unaware that God is around you. He is the wind which is flowing around you... the sounds which your ears are hearing... visions that your mind has... dreams generating hopes for you."
Written in 2010 by Vishal Gupta --- India

"Do not live another person's life because you were made to be distinct, special and peculiar by God's way."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Trevis Emeka --- Nigeria
I decided to live my life

"God is ready to direct if you are ready to act!"
Written in 2009 by Timothy J. DeVries --- Michigan
This one came to me when I was reflecting on Proverbs 3:5-6
"I don't have a problem with the devil chasing me, that's what he does! But I should have a problem with me if I begin chasing after him!"
Written in 2011 by Joe Louis Drakeford --- North Carolina
"Life is how you take it to be; take life to be hard, you face the tiredness; take it to be boring, you enjoy the yawning; take it to be lovely and worth living, you enjoy being loved, appreciated and long life."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Ohumam Okoh --- Nigeria
"No one is beyond the reach of God's hands."
Written in 2011 by Roy Dela Calzada --- Texas
"Bless those who challenge us to grow, to stretch, to move beyond the knowable, to come back home to our essential nature. Bless those who challenge us for they remind us of the doors we have closed and doors we have yet to open."
Native American Prayer --- Submitted by George Wachirah --- Kenya
"We human beings are small droplets of the divine."
Written in 2011 by Preethi A. --- India

"It seems to be a Universal Law; to the degree you give up your attachment to the material world, to the same degree you are filled with the joys of Spirit."
Harry Kovair --- Submitted by Jim McMullan --- New Jersey
It speaks to me...and for anyone on a spiritual quest.

"There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone."
Marianne Williamson --- Submitted by Prince Mohammed A Davies --- U.K.
Excerpt from Return to Love - Marianne Williamson

"Within you lies the truth of who you are, within you is the light of your being, within you is a wealth of things yet unseen."
Written in 2009 by Samantha Merrigan --- Australia
Awakening your truth within allows you to walk your true soul path.

"I have messed up before God so many times I have first hand knowledge of his amazing forgiveness, mercy and grace."
Written in 2011 by David Robinson --- Northern Ireland

"I am exhausted... but I'm up for the fight. I'm broken... but I'm determined to make this right... I am lost... but GOD is my light."
Written in 2011 by Kristina V. --- Wisconsin

"When we stand up with ego, walls are created but when we bow down with humility, we can build bridges connecting to each heart."
Written in 2011 by Shyam Dewani --- India

"No bird flies in the wrong direction or time of day. No men or women walk in the same path of truth. Every concern an individual may have usually carries reasoning behind the scene of doubt. All who believe in each other's gifts, find healing from every crossing soul. As one thought the world is dark, the light revealed the 'truth', the darkness confirmed the 'faith'. [Believe], 'soul set free.'"
Written in 2011 by Khan V. --- Pennsylvania

"Faith is maintaining focus, even when your "vision" is blurred."
Written in 2011 by Donald Manning --- Florida
"Yes my friends, we will all encounter moments in our lives that we just want to give up! Everything is working against us and we don't know how much more that we can take! I must confess that the road to greatness is a difficult one! The hardships encountered along the way are what will test our resolve and make us great! I will survive, I will overcome, I will succeed!"
Copyright © 2005 Jon Hawks
"No matter what darkness surrounds you, just persevere; it will be dawn."
Written in 2011 by Celiwe Matamo --- South Africa
"Today is yesterday's hope you were waiting for, so enjoy it, rejoice in it & celebrate it."
Written in 2011 by Caroline Naoroji --- Virginia