"Personal Development Quotes"

Why is it so easy to say too much
Why must we always have the last word
Why can't we just love unconditionally
Loving you

Why does one hurt each other on purpose
Is it our self-centered, insecure twin
If only maturity, patience and compassion
Came all came at once, in an instance like this
We can only try

Our character suffers
Because we can only judge each other
Though we can never be free
Because it defines us

Instead, trust and respect
Without it, where can we be
Still looking and wandering for each other
Hoping to see that inner glimpse of our true self
Waiting to be seen
Oh, if we could all live life so
Copyright © 2006 Patsy Barnhart
I wrote this to my boys, 16 & 20, after they had a bad argument.

"If you change how people see the world, you then change what they see...the world."
Written in 2006 by Rev. Cedric Wright --- Michigan
This came to me because I believe that we can change the world; not by changing things, but by changing we's.

"The greatest limitations we face are those we impose upon ourselves."
Written in 1987 by Howard J. Herman --- Oregon

"You are always MOVING in life; it's your actions that decide the DIRECTION."
Written in 2006 by Saurabh Kaushik --- India

"Ego is the worst enemy of mankind. It can ruin your life, your neighbors, your country's or even the world. Never let ego rule you. It is the biggest block in your way to success."
Written in 2006 by M. Krishnan Kutty --- India

"Love is the most beautiful thing that exists in every relationship be it parents, friends, partner, children, pets etc....It has no limitations and no boundaries."
Written in 2006 by Nikita Jaggi --- India

"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

"It is just as necessary to forgive ourselves as it is to forgive others, and the principal reason why forgiveness seemed so difficult is because we have neglected to forgive ourselves."
Christian D. Larson

"I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I'm going to learn, I must do it by listening."
Larry King

"The last thing you want to do is get yourself mad at others because you cannot take care of yourself."
Written in 2006 by Jacqueline Yap --- Singapore

"If you love more than one, you love neither enough."
Written in 2004 by Crystell Oliver --- Tennessee

"Commitment is the only thing, which lies between Dream and Reality."
Written in 2006 by Nilesh Pampattiwar --- India

"Success often is the result of who you are, not what you do."
Written in 2006 by Tesfaye Haile --- Ethiopia

"Do not react... Respond!!!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Shiran Sideek --- United Kingdom

"The truth is always the best solution, even when mistakes are repeated."
Written in 2006 by Cilla S. --- Canada
A quote I once said myself, when I misread the schedule at work wrong and believed I had the day off, when in fact I didn't.

"Love is not a matter of counting the years; it's making the years count!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Carol Sweeney --- Georgia

"The most difficult phase of life is not when people don't understand you; it's when you don't understand yourself."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Medha Porwal --- India

"If you want to succeed, bury your unpleasant past as deep as you can, so that it never resurfaces again to ruin your future."
Written in 2006 by Krishnan Kutty --- India
It is a quote from myself from my experience.

"No one knows what tomorrow brings, I'm just no longer afraid to find out."
Written in 2006 by Kevin Nickerson --- Massachusetts

"Please Remember; It's not what happens to you in Life that matters. It's how you handle the things that happen."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Sean Damon --- California
This motto is something I have never heard of before. It is just something that I adopted to live by after overcoming great anguish and unbelievable disappointments. And it works!

"Think not of yourself as the architect of your career but as the sculptor. Expect to have to do a lot of hard hammering and chiseling and scraping and polishing."

"I cannot escape challenges and obstacles; I should expect them in life because by them, I become stronger. And having passed through the same, I can sympathize with others who will pass through similar obstacles in the future."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Borokini Israel --- Nigeria

"At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by "I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in." Hungry not only for bread - but hungry for love. Naked not only for clothing - but naked of human dignity and respect. Homeless not only for want of a home of bricks - but homeless because of rejection."
Mother Teresa --- Submitted by Abhimanyu Kalra --- India

"A man without patience is like a lamp without oil."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Vijay Paskanti --- India

"The greatness comes not when things always go good for you. But the greatness comes when you're really tested, when you take some knocks, some disappointments when sadness comes. Because only if you've been in the deepest valley can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain."
Richard Nixon --- Submitted by D. Williams --- New York

"The great man is not the one who makes others feel small, but is the one who makes others feel great."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Vasudev Joshi --- India

"Fanatic consistency has in it the assurance of success. If good, the world remembers you with awe and respect. If bad, the world remembers you with disdain and disgust. Choice is yours."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Guru Prasad --- New York