"Personal Success Quotes"

"Success is ordinary people stretching their dream to the world. Without a dream, you float."
Copyright © 2004 Bassey Ndon

"Respect is earned, just as trust is. Should you abuse either, your reward will be neither."
Copyright © 2004 Christopher Wright

"Never forget who you are and where you come from or you will never arrive at where you want to be."
Mary Medico --- Submitted by Ashley C. --- New York

"To become who you want, you must first become who you are."
Copyright © 2004 Eric Hueneke

"An inexhaustible good nature is one of the most precious gifts of heaven, spreading itself like oil over the troubled sea of thought, and keeping the mind smooth and equable in the roughest weather."
Washington Irving --- Submitted by K.H., Age 15 --- Utah
I absolutely love this quote because it reminds me that if you look on the bright side of things, troubles, no matter how great or small, will eventually fade away.

"Everyone's a loser at one point... until they find their inner champion. Never give up!"
Written in 2004 by Santana S., Age 17 --- Ontario, Canada

"It is not just how you act, but how you re-act is what counts."
Written in 2004 by Ravi Ratiram --- Rousillac, Trinidad and Tobago
For those involved in politics, what you do is normal, but when you are faced with trying situations, how you deal with them determines what kind of person you really are. I don't know if there is an author to this quote but I came up with it myself based on my experience in politics.

"Walk not in front of them, for you will be casting your shadow upon them. Walk not behind them, for you will be immersed in their shadow. Walk level, for then nobody is left in the darkness."
Copyright © 2004 Jonathon Aliss
A statement relating to equality.

"Take inspiration from your desperation."
Copyright © 2004 Yosef Smyth
This quote was written by me to realize that when you are depressed, it is never a negative emotion. You can use this emotion to help yourself and realize you have gained this experience, which is inevitably beneficial - for every experience is rewarding.

"Kindness reminds us that each person has a soul, each soul searching for its purpose."
Copyright © 2004 Deri Bakker

"No one can get your goat if they don't know where it's tied."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Susan Patterson --- Texas

"Knowledge is like a painter's pallet; untouched by a brush, opportunities are missed and resources are squandered. However, with the right brush and proper application, you can create a masterpiece...a portrait of success."
Copyright © 2004 James T. Picone

"Before you enter a life of succession, you must first enter through doors of failure!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Robert V. --- California

"One's greatness is not measured by how many times they admit it, but by how many times they deny it."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by M. Bejarano --- Texas

"If you always think negatively, your life will end up negatively. Be mindful of what you think."
Copyright © 2004 Tautze Tautze