"You must have the courage to trust your instincts and be ready to question what other people don’t. If you do that, you can seize opportunities that others would miss. Believe in yourself, and use everything you can – including the obstacles – to propel you along the road to success. Who knows what you might achieve?"
— Richard Branson
Quote Of The Day On An Image
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Take The Initiative
"If you want to be creative in your company, your career, your life, all it takes is one easy step… the extra one. When you encounter a familiar plan, you just ask one question: What ELSE could we do?"
— Dale Dauten
What Can Gratitude Do For You?
"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend."
— Melody Beattie
Empower Your Choices
"We can choose each day, to reside in a world of reality or to reside in a world of miracles. The choice is always ours. The result from our choice always shows. Always."
— Caroline T’ Star
Use Your Limitations As Guidelines
"Your limitations should be your guidelines, and not stop signs. They should direct and guide your path on the journey, not prevent you from taking it."
— Robert Schuller