"If time TICKS away, TOCK along with it."
Written in 2013 by Abby. M --- Nigeria
Time flies very fast. To succeed, we must fly along with it or we'll be left behind in the shackles of time's dangers.
"It's not coming in first that matters, but winning. There's a difference!"
Written in 2013 by Rajit R., Age 17 --- India
Winning doesn't mean coming first; it sometimes means coming in last with dignity and knowing that you gave your best.
"Everybody has colours secretly painted on the inside. It's around about time we paint it on the outside."
Written in 2013 by Eoin M., Age 14 --- Scotland

"When the world is looking down on you, go and wear high heel shoes."
Written in 2013 by Ibrahim A., Age 15 --- Nigeria
Never give anybody room to look down on you. If they look down on you, look for every avenue to be same height with them or even taller.
"Too many want attention, but not enough respect."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Chasteen D., Age 15 --- Florida
Girls just want to impress any guy they like, but the truth is guys see it a different way than girls do. A guy should respect you for you, not who you're trying to act like.
"Discouragement is a big disadvantage to success."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Ethel P., Age 14 --- Maryland
"Sometimes you don't appreciate what you have because you're too focused on what you want."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Chasteen D., Age 15 --- Florida
Too many people want without thinking about what they already have right in front of them.
"I'd rather marry a poor man with a rich heart than a rich man with a poor heart."
Written in 2013 by Laura F. J., Age 18 --- United Kingdom
"Aggression should be in your work rather than in your talk. Aggression in your work makes your life meaningful, but aggression in your talk makes your life useless. Stay calm!"
Written in 2013 by Nidhi Srivastava
This is my own personal quote. I have seen people in aggression; I have been through their harsh words. I always felt that if the same amount of aggression was put in the work it would be more yielding and enjoyable!
"As you grow older in life, you tend to learn right from wrong. Sometimes you will know what you are doing is wrong but you do it still for your own gratification. The best thing in life is to do whatis always right, even if you don't feel as if you should."
Written in 2013 by Tara D., Age 17 --- New Jersey
Note: More Life Quotes for Teens