"A society grows great when people plant trees, in whose shade they know they shall never sit!"
A Greek Proverb --- Submitted by Peter Anderson --- Florida

"Known is a drop, unknown is an ocean."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Antariksh Tyagi --- Delhi, India
A coconut is hard on the outside and hard to crack. Similarly, challenges are hard to crack in the beginning.

"If you ever catch yourself saying "good enough" then obviously it isn't. Don't settle for anything less."
Written in 2005 by C. Krysta --- Alberta, Canada

"The best inspiration is not to outdo others but to outdo ourselves."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Sarah M., Age 15 --- California

"Whatever path you may take simply love, laugh, explore, succeed and always remember your special moments."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Cassie F., Age 13 --- Washington

"Success comes to you when you take life as it comes your way; with a smile, courage, and respect. This way provides you with solutions."
Copyright © 2005 Rashmi Muktibodh

"I attribute my success to this - I never gave or took any excuse."
Florence Nightingale

"Knowledge is not just learning what to do, but what not to do."
Copyright © 2004 Darrell W. Boswell

"In order to be successful all you need is a little faith within yourself."
Written in 2005 by Ana R., Age 17 --- New York
Sometimes people need encouragement in order to believe in themselves.

"Aim for the stars because when you aim for the stars, you will reach the moon. When you aim for the moon, you fall; rest in the clouds. When you aim for the clouds, you clench the tree tops. When you aim for the tree tops, you fall on your butt. Maintain high hopes and you will succeed."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Chris Ravat --- Australia

"A teacher is like a candle, which lights others in consummation."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by S.P. Sausan --- New Delhi, India

"It is easier to stay out in the lead than to fall behind and have to catch back up again. And that's UP2U !"
Copyright © 2005 Bill E. Williams

"Every day is a new day and that alone is enough reason to keep doing better."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Jen Cajucom --- Manila, Philippines

"Don't judge a book by its cover, but by the words written in them."
Copyright © 2005 Jeffrey Wainright

"Great minds invent ideas. Normal minds discuss events. Poor minds criticize people."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Siddharth Gautam --- Punjab, India

"One's life would be monotonous if he gets everything without any obstacles."
Copyright © 2005 Raju Sohanda

"Failure has been a key to my success."
Written in 2005 by Oscar Cervantes

"With each new day, there is a new lesson...it prepares us for what is yet to come!"
Written in 2005 by E. Skiver

"A teacher is not someone who only teaches the subject, but teaches life as well."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Abbey D., Age 13 --- Montana

"Dare to try, dare to fail."
Written in 2005 by Ryan Lee
There is a proverb 'Learn From Mistakes'. In order to gain knowledge, we have to try. Who knows if what we are trying is a mistake? It is not always bad to fail at something. More or less, we could know what is the cause of the failure. That is the way we learn.

"Don't look at things as a problem. Look at them as a challenge, an opportunity and an experience."
Copyright © 2005 Millie Fusco
Always remember this and see how much more you get out of life.

How hard is to wake up? Not hard.
How hard is to get an education and be somebody? Really Easy.
Waking up - $5.00
Clothes - $125.00
Shoes - $89.00
Transportation and Gas - $12,000.00
Success - Priceless
Written in 2005 by Michael Miles

"You can always try harder."
Written in 2005 by M.S., Age 16 --- Wales, United Kingdom
Only when you have tried your hardest can you be happy with yourself.