Staging Area For picture quotes.
- Base Description: waterview
- Quote Used:You can’t change the whole world, and you certainly can’t change other people, but you do have the ability to change yourself. You can have a positive impact in your job, the people with whom you work, and the entire organization…the choice is up to you.
- Categorized Code:
- Image Name: the-choice-is-up-to-you.jpg
- Directory: /images
- Width/Height: 460 x 490
- Picture Colors: blue/white
- Additional Date:
- Daily Quote 2nd Time: daily-06-20-17
- On Website 2nd Time:
- Process Group: 2011-05-02 thru 2015-18-12
uid: 8aa1ccfb-9507-475f-b09e-ad45387d63d9