Staging Area For picture quotes.
- Base Description: two on a beach
- Quote Used:The people who have achieved more than you, in any area, are only a half-step ahead of you in time. Bless them and praise their gifts, and bless and praise your own. The world would be less rich without their contributions, and it would be less rich without yours. There’s more than room for everyone; in fact, there’s a need for everyone.
- Categorized Code:
- Image Name: bless-each-other.jpg
- Directory: /images
- Width/Height: 460 x 600
- Picture Colors: olive green
- Additional Date:
- Daily Quote 2nd Time: on-site-06-17-15
- On Website 2nd Time: 10/03/13
- Process Group: 2011-05-02 thru 2015-18-12
uid: 6be8d95a-ea32-4123-bd29-88e8e6e7b39a