Staging Area For picture quotes.
- Base Description: people treking up a mountain
- Quote Used:I am not judged by the number of times I fail, but by the number of times I succeed; and the number of times I succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times I can fail and keep on trying.
- Categorized Code:
- Image Name: i-can-fail-tom_hopkins.jpg
- Directory: /images
- Width/Height: 460 x 600
- Picture Colors: black
- Additional Date:
- Daily Quote 2nd Time: on-site-09-09-15
- On Website 2nd Time: 10/31/13
- Process Group: 2011-05-02 thru 2015-18-12
uid: ea70c29b-ea15-4043-aed2-0b5af7bde3da